Lets Begin

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Summary: Potter, who said Harry was the only magical Potter left. In this world he still has his amazing magical Grandma to take him away from the Dursleys and to destroy Dumbledore's manipulative plans for Harry. Watch (read about) how Harry's grandmother, Agatha messes with the cannon plot.


Chapter 7: Lets begin

Few days have passed since the whole garden incident and the Longbottoms had practically visited the Potters every day since. It took a little while getting used to having visitors again but, it was a welcomed change. A bonus of having the Longbottoms over was that Agatha was able to catch up with her best friend and Harry was connecting with his godbrother.

Taking Harry in at the beginning was hard in its own way. It wasn't that of Harry causing so much trouble and making her scrabble around it was practically the opposite. Harry did everything he was told and never asked any sort of questions. That was not a trait any child should have. They should be able to be comfortable with benign able to freely ask questions about the world around them

"Gran who's Maren?" Neville asked curiously, eying his grandmother. He and Harry had found that name at the end of the journal that Harry's grandma gave them to read.

"Ah that would be me darling." Agatha laughed, "Although it had been a long time since I was last called that. Isn't that so Vultear."

"Vaultear?" Harry questioned. "You mean like the other name from this?"

"Yes, Vultear. That is the unfortunate nickname I had received from your grandmother Harry." Agusta said as she gave Harry's grandmother a pointed look.

Hand over her chest, Agatha dramaficaly leaned back into her chair, and pointed accusingly at Neville's grandmother. "Don't let her attitude trick you children. It's a name that she earned well on her own and not by just me calling her that. Vultear the Will Tearer, known her sharp wit and tongue making even the strongest of the strong lose their will before her back in the day."

"And you were Maren, the star of the sea. The one who could find all sorts of treasure and the values of things hidden before the naked eyes, blessed by lady luck. The unyielding protector of what she calls her own. Although, it is a bit ironic considering that your worst class was astronomy."

"Don't remind me about that. It's such a shame that I never found any love for it while i was in Hogwarts but it is something that I truly appreciate now."

"Yes, yes."

"Wait, but Gran if you helped write this how come you won't let me place any plants in your room?" Neville asked, scrunching his nose.

"Because it is my room Neville."

Casually the Longbottoms and Potters chatted away, snacking away at some biscuits and tea. It was a type of peace that Agatha thought she would never get to experience. Looking at how Harry and Neville played each other it reminded her of all the years that she had missed because of her decision for self isolation.

Something else that left a bitter taste in her mouth caused by her decision was that she didn't properly inform Gringotts which keys she had needed to recall or cancel. That little detail that she had cost her a large amount of galleons. Galleons that were never meant to enter the hands of curtain people.

Luckily when it came to many the companies, organizations and charities that had a copy of the many vaults that Agatha created, they had honored their contract and didn't gorge themselves with the wealth and lining their own pockets. However the ones that did, Agatha quickly took care of them by cutting them off and sending them a calculated bill of how much they owed her, with a strict deadline and an interest rate.

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