Chapter 1: The Past and a Glimpse

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, that honor belongs to J.K. Rowling. I only own the plot twist, the cannon changes and My Oc's in this Fanfiction. 

Summary: Potter, who said Harry was the only magical Potter left. In this world he still has his amazing magical Grandma to take him away from the Dursleys and to destroy Dumbledore's manipulative plans for Harry. Watch (read about) how Harry's grandmother, Agatha messes with the cannon plot.



Chapter 1: The Past and a Glimpse of the Present

Lone a old widow sat, looking out past her little garden into the forest ahead of her. Knitting away, Agatha's eyes glazed over at the at the memories of her love ones. one by one they were taken away from her.

Her mother was first. Agatha just a little girl when it had happened. To her memory her mother had always been frail yet had a strong sense of curiosity and adventure that happened to pass onto Agatha, and weeks after Agatha's seventh birthday, her mother had passed away. At funeral Agatha cried and cried as she watched her mother get lowered into the ground. After the funeral Agatha quickly stopped crying, and instead steeled herself. Keeping a brave face Agatha took on the role of her mother and slowly but surely brought back the warmth into her home (additionally that was when Agatha started to go off on her own little adventures), but that warmth didn't last as her father had became deathly ill with dragon pox. At age 13 Agatha was declared an adult.

At age 15 Agatha's adventures had brought her far and wide across both the magical and muggle world, but what truly highlighted that year was when she had meet the most stupidest yet sweets man alive. Charles Fleamont Potter. How she had meet the Potter was sudden and surprising revelation. He had fallen head over heels for her, and quite literally at that, as it was during one fall day after school hours when Agatha was leaving picking up the last of her thing from the greenhouse, when suddenly she hears a snapping noise above her. Due to the sudden surprise, Agatha ended up dropping everything in her arms and in replacement of her books, Charles had fallen right into her grasp. Bridle style with leaves and twigs stuck in his hair. And like any other normal independent witch, Agatha unceremoniously dropped him on her books.

That was the first time she had meet the Potter officially.

Time went on and Agatha never really gave much thought about that meeting. After all she met people in stranger situation during her adventures. Sorta like how she meet that strange white haired pervert peeking at the hot springs. So, with how the next day when the exact same Potter appears, and courts her for her hand in marriage right in front of her at her Ravenclaw table; the shock that she went through was a huge understatement.

Unfortunately for Charles, his confession was meet with a "I'm sorry but who are you?" from Agatha. Silence gripped over the hall. Blushing red Charles starts listing off all of the times that they meet, but seeing that Agatha's non changing face he desperately mentions that he fell out of a tree just outside of the green houses and how she had caught him before dropping him. Recognition floods into Agatha's eyes and informs him that she now remembers. Happy that she remembers Charles once again attempts to court her. Agatha once again rejected his courting, saying that she refuse to court with someone she knows nothing about. However after seeing his dejected face, she said that although she rejected his courting that she would love to be friends and try to get to know each other.

Watching Charles reaction towards her, it was intriguing. In fact Charles reactions reminded her of her father's dying wish of how she was get married. Her father had told her while he was fading into the next life, that she was to marry out of love and not duty.

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