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‼️spoiler warning ‼️ if u haven't done a special Mercedes thing... idk how 2 but it but the Mercedes and Caspar thing... u know,,,, played the black eagles,,, or played 2 chapter 5,,, then don't read  Edelgard's first text or the 2 next 1s. it's not super bad and it doesn't say anything specific but I did want 2 warn y'all

B-E-A-S-T: I got a free half grilled cheese and am now the happiest person in the world 🥰

Gorlwithteeth: oh cool!! How did u get it?

B-E-A-S-T: my lil sis gave it 2 me! I am working on a best little sister award now

QueenAXEkiller: who else wishes they had normal sibling relationships??🙋‍♀️

GodsChield: not 2 make the chat depressing but....🙋‍♀️

Taken-flirty-boi: :/ 🙋‍♂️

CEO_of_depression: this conversation was so happy before Edelgard had 2 come and ruin it with her stupid name

QueenAXEkiller: my name is not stupid

Princess_of_mac&cheese: ..... I am 2 be say Dimitri is true

Tokoboi: Professor dose 2 ngl

BrownBiBoi: I hate 2 say it but the writing prodigy is........👀....... right😶😰

Joseph-HOEstar: u can tell that hurt him sm 2

Baelith: I'm just 2 lazy 2 change it

QueenAXEkiller: well if u all h8 it sm what should I change it 2

Alovera: ima snap! We all know who has the best judgment!!!

Jeralt-fangirl54: say less, sir

            Jeralt-fangirl54, added "plsdonttextme" to "Seteth's mermaid friends"

Alovera: ima cry 😭 all my dreams have come tru

Plsdonttextme: ima cry 2 cuz y'all won't leav me alone

Baelith: they want ur advice

Plsdonttextme: idk why they want mine,,, but what do ya wanna know??

QueenAXEkiller: they want 2 know what I should change my name 2

Plsdonttextme: we need 2 talk about my child's treble choice first. I'm not big on the whole meme thing but that is 1 hell of a monstrosity of a name

Baelith: ok what should I do

BrownBiBoi: NOT TAKE THEIR CRAP!!! Y'all don't gatta b so rUDE about it!!!

Plsdonttextme: eh,, dads get a right 2 tease their kids 4 terrible choices

That_hoe: why do the Jeralt simps want him 2 choose names.... like no disrespect (pls don't fail me 4 this) but.... ur name ain't that grate

SleepingGay: idk but I'm tiered of their shit

Tokoboi: pls tell us what ur not tried of

SleepingGay: corona

Joseph-HOEstar: u take ur alone time seriously huh

SleepingGay: truly the best thing in life

Shygal:): ya

QueenAXEkiller: who gunna tell me what 2 change my name 2

FUCKYOU: this is fucking annoying just make it red girl or smth who actually gives a shit what ur name is

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