The beachwood cafe

Start from the beginning

"Hey, are you already?" He asks, eyeing me.

"I'm fine." I strain out.

I go to take a step forward and he grabs my arm. "Harry, what's wrong"

"I'm fine Louis, please stop." I say quietly.

He just nods and removes his arm. We finally get up to the counter and Sarah smiles at me again. "Hey Harry, are you ok with all of this?" She asks as she gestures around.

"I'll be ok, I think. Thanks sarah" I reply while she's already writing my order down.

"Will that be all today?" She says as she puts the coffee order in.

"Uh no, that and whatever he wants" I said nodding towards Louis.

Sarah does a double take as she looks at him and then smirks at me.


"I didn't even say anything." She laughs.

"I know what you're thinking. I'll text you later about it" I reply.

Louis just looks back and forth between us and shrugs. "I'll have a-" he orders. I zone out and try to calm myself down. I don't know why I'm so anxious today.

"Why is it so busy today." I ask as Louis is done ordering.

"Oh, you know the singer zayn," I nod "we'll he's been coming here often and he mentioned how it's one of his favorite cafes around here. Ever since then it's been packed."

"Oh" I start taking deep breaths.

"Harry if you need to you can use the employee bathroom" she tells me reaching into her pocket and handing me the key.

Sarah and I became friends 4 years ago when she was new. Now we practically live together if I'm not hanging out with Niall. She knows that I have social anxiety and that crowded places make me claustrophobic. Louis looks at me again but with pure concern. No. I hate this. I don't want him to care. I don't care. I'm fine. I didn't even notice that he had paid for our drinks before he placed his hand on my back and guided us to the pick-up counter. I jumped a little as it startled me.

"Harry if you want to leave we can."

"No it's fine." I say as I close my eyes.

I finally break down when someone runs into me. Well not runs but they crash into me as they are turning around.

"Shit, I'm sorry man" they say but they sound a little frustrated.

"It's ok." I say turning around. I feel trapped. I can't get out. The line is out the door now and I can sit down. My hands start shaking and I feel like I can't breathe. Louis notices and takes my arm.

"Let's go Harry" he says as he guides me toward the back.

At this point I gave up trying to fight it as I can tell my panic attack is getting worse. He takes the bathroom key and opens the door and rushes me inside. He turns around and locks the door as I slowly sit on the ground and bring my hands to my head.

He sits next to me. "Hey hey hey, it's gonna be ok." He goes to touch me but stops. "Harry, can I touch you?" He asks. I just nod and he puts his hand on my back and starts to rub it. "I want you to focus on my breathing" I try to but it's not working.
"Harry, Harry try and listen to me. I need you to tell me 5 things you can see" he tells me. I slowly open my eyes and look around. "Good, now try and tell me 5 things you see."

"Uhh, a toilet, sink, mirror, paper towels, a door" I respond slowly.

"Good, now tell me 4 things you can touch"

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