Cold boy

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Jongdae pov

I was walk my way to go home saying bye to my friends. "Bye Joy see you five later." Then I continue to walk the forest where my home is. I always feel clam and safe well walking. But now that feeling is gone mostly they have been many angel deaths for some reason but I don't pay intention to it but my mom said. " Make sure to careful even if the demon and goddesses are allies." But for my whole life it's she is hiding  something from me I still doubt it tho that my mother.

I turn around thinking someone is behide me no. "Just your imagetntion" I keep turning around paranoid thinking someone is following me I walk more faster then before, than my waist was grabed by a man be he was very mucurle. I froze for a minute "So are just going to stand there" he said with deep voice. I broke out then ran as fast I could. Looking back to see him fading away. I didn't see his but saw his hair it was type of darkest brown.

I fell down "ow" and there he was coming close to my face. And turn me around looking at my four snow wings "Just as I intended you are her femboy son aren't you"  he said pulling them. "Please don't kill me I beg you don't" I said crying. "And why would I do something like that to you the son of the ,Supreme Deity." But your magical power didn't awakened yet so, that won't be a fair fight will it now? "Then why you attack me? "Honestly I wanted to know the truth myself to see the story is ture."

"Before you go what's your name? I asked.  Not going to tell you if we do meet again." He said, went up in the sky.

I look up in sky to making sure he left any sign of him. But his wings wasn't white it was a different color.


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