Words From The Author

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This story is written as a contest entry to the competition hosted by taygetsthegay .


To the homophobes and those who use religion as a reason to hate us: you may think yourselves right, but don't do it at the expense of proving others wrong.

To my friends who like me for who I am; you know who you are.

To all those who have to hide who you truly are: you were forced into the shadows. It's not your fault that people don't like you, but it will be, if you can't even love yourself. I pray that you find love, for love heals all. For now, I stand with you. And when I step out into the light, I will help pull you over.

To my future Mr Right: I don't know where you are or how you look like, but I hope our love can be like time. It only starts, but never ends.

Author's Note:

Writing this is tough for me. Being an introvert, pouring my emotions into words is like bleeding in electronic ink. It exhausts me. I'm currently close to finishing, and when I do, I will make sure to edit it over and over again.

I hope you will like this story. And if you cry, then I guess I've done my job, because my heart has died a little while writing this.

If you're getting tired of fighting for love, remember this:

Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.

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