Chapter 3

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"We're here."

My steady train of thought came to an abrupt halt at the annoyingly familiar sound of Kaeya's voice.

"Hmm?" I droned, turning my head ever so slightly to look at him. "We're here." He repeated with a gesture to the manor. "Oh, okay." I gave a slight nod and stepped out of the carriage.

Kaeya held out his hand to me and I half expected him to quickly pull it back when I reached mine out to meet it. Something he would always do when were kids.

The steady click of my heels on the smooth polished granite tiles brought some much needed solace to my ever racing mind.

Chin up. Back straight. Shoulders poised.

That's what Miss Loretta had always told me during my lessons. She'd place her hands on my shoulders, pulling on me like I was a puppet and her hands were the strings. Those three tips had never failed me yet.

The logic behind it was quite simple, truth be told. If you look like you know what you're doing, then people will never suspect any different.

That's why when I entered the vast ballroom, glittering with gold ribbons and cecilias, I made sure to keep my chin up, back straight, and shoulders poised. Just like I had always been told to do.

"I'm glad you could make it."

No amount of fake confidence could've ever prepared me to be face to face with Diluc Ragnvindr after nearly five years.

"Well, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to see the winery again after five years, now could I?" Diluc raised an eyebrow. "You're not as sneaky as you think you are, (Y/N), I'll tell you that."


"Whatever do you mean?" I asked innocently. The red-haired Lord cast a quick glance at Kaeya, who still had his hand slipped into mine, and then turned back to me. "We can discuss this some other time. Why don't you both get some drinks."

Five years and Diluc Ragnvindr was still so easy to get past.

"What was that about?" Kaeya questioned, gingerly taking a glass of wine from the table in front of us. "Nothing, don't worry about it." I waved it off and took a sip of my drink. The captain cast a suspicious look in my direction and I quickly averted my gaze. I should've known Kaeya wouldn't be easy to lie to.

"You sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk on his face. I lifted up my head at the sound of the orchestra starting to play a familiar tune, "Why don't we go and dance." I suggested, swiftly taking his hand and leading him to the open space in the middle of the ballroom.

"Creating a distraction, I see." He remarked with a sly smile, "Well, you're lucky I'm in the mood for a waltz." He grabbed my waist and smoothly pulled me in with a wink. Or what I thought was a wink.

A hummingbird's heart beats 1,260 times per minute. But right now, as I was pressed up against Kaeya's chest, swaying and stepping gracefully to the music, my heartbeat could've rivaled that of any hummingbird's.

I wasn't attracted to him, if that's what you're thinking. I'd known him since we were kids it would be absurd. The only reason I had been so on edge for this entire event had been because we hadn't interacted like this in years. It was always nerve-wracking to talk to someone after a long time, right? Right.

"I'm surprised you still know all the steps." Kaeya teased. "Oh, please." I rolled my eyes, "We both know I've always been the better dancer."
"Is that so?"
That stupid smirk crept back onto his face.
"Do I have to remind you about the all the times you stepped on my toes?"

I pressed my foot down onto his, "I think that should be reminder enough." That earned me a glare. "Classic (Y/N), always so fiery." I flashed him an innocent smile and he chuckled under his breath.

"Do you mind?" Another voice sounded from beside us. "Hello again, Diluc." I nodded curtly. "May I?" He held out a red gloved hand and I took it with a glance back at Kaeya. "Watch your toes." The Captain joked before walking back to the table lined with drinks.

The pyro user flashed me a rare sly grin and grabbed me closer by the waist. "What are you planning?" I said in exasperation. "Oh nothing..." He started, then began to move to the music.

"I just hope you can keep up."
It's getting spicier. :smirk emoji: :wink emoji: Expect some very spicy content in the next few chapters. Especially a Diluc and Y/N dance scene 😏. I did want this chapter to be longer.. again... but I realized I needed to update cause it's almost been a week. Sorry y'all. But now that it's break I get to write some more stuff for you. Mwah 💋 Anyways... hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Also, I feel like I should add a disclaimer, I AM NOT WRITING LEMONS !!!!!!!! Stop with the horny. Go to AO3 for that 🙄🙄. This disclaimer is especially dedicated to one of my friends, you know who you are. Anyways, I should wrap this up, so thanks for reading !!

Moira - [Kaeya x Reader x Diluc]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن