The Need For Speed Caper

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Everyone settles in for the next episode. Gray decides to get a bit more bold, he sits next to Carmen and wraps his arm around her shoulders. He shivers feeling an icy stare drilling into his back. Gray decides it would be safer for him not to look and stares determinedly at the screen.

Bellum: And what about Neal the Eel? He's extremely conniving, yet loyal to a fault.

"He is not leader material." Shadowsan says.

"Neal being in charge would make our lives easier." Carmen says.

Maelstrom: We require someone capable of masterminding, Dr. Bellum. The slippery one is hardly what I would call "faculty material."

Cleo: Plus he leaves a slimy trail.

"Wait, who is this guy and what makes him slimy?" Player asks nervously.

"He's an operative from a different class, he has a specialized suit that makes him harder to get a hold of then a greased up pig." Gray says.

"We used to make jokes that he was just very, very sweaty." Antonio chuckles.

Mechanic: Who's game for a trail of grease, then, eh? Or are you headmaster types all about manners? And extended little pinky fingers?

"A new competitor has entered the ring." Chase says.

"I wonder what her gimmick is." Zack says.

Brunt: Mekkie! Everyone, you remember The Mechanic.

"Oh Cleo is going to hate her." Carmen says.

Cleo: Hard to forget.

Bellum: Mm. Hello. How are you?

(Maelstrom sighs)

"None of them are happy to see her!" Player shouts cackling at the reactions of the faculty.

Brunt: So, how's the old chop shop, Mek?

Mechanic: Tip-top Coach, tip-top. Got me crew pinching motor cars from the East End all the way to Blackpool. Oh blimey, when we get through stripping them down to the floorboards, they look like piranha ate them.

Brunt: (Laughs) Ain't she the greatest?

"Oh yeah, she's the best." Carmen says sarcastically.

Cleo: A mechanic who steals cars. How does that make her VILE faculty material?

Mechanic: Oh, oh, I'm sorry. I'm not looking to pinch any old jalopy for you, Princess. I am out to snatch a technological wonder, I am. Real space age-like.

"What does jalopy mean?" Player asks.

"Jalopy refers to an old car that is run down and in very poor condition." Jules explains.

Cleo: Which we would do what with?

Bellum: Reverse engineer to see what makes it tick. Possibly build a fleet of our own.

Maelstrom: Which we would do what with?

"They come up with such weird plans all the time but can't think of anything to do with some super car?" Ivy asks in disbelief. 

Brunt: Hello? Greatest getaway car ever.

"Can we get one Carm?" Zack asks.

"If it costs less then a hundred grand maybe." Carmen says.

Cleo: Shouldn't you be in Dubai attending to this grand carjacking scheme of yours?

Mechanic: Oh no, me drivers already there, love, getting the lay of the land. I just popped in to throw me wrench in the ring, for me seat at your big, fancy table.

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