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(No POV)

You woke up to the smell of smoke and hoped up from the sheets. "Mother!! Father!!" No reply. You ran outside as fast as I could trying my best not to touch the flames. People screaming and running, you tried yelling for your parents again but no luck. You were pushed to the ground by a wall of people almost being trampled on, You turned around to see what they're running from in the first place, I wall of fire and shadows quickly approaches. You know you wouldn't be able to outrun it so you brace for the burning flames. Nothing happened when it flowed pass you, but the people behind turned into skeletons and ash. Your eyes widen at the horror before you and before you knew it a giant hand-plucked you from the cinder road. You screamed for help and hitting the hand to let go. But both have failed.

The giant lifted you showing you its aardvark mask. "WHO ARE YOU?!? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?! WHY DID YOU DESTROY MY HOME?!" The giant didn't answer, only lifting its other hand. You looked at the hand as it came down to squash you. "No, wait!!!"

(End of nightmare)

You felt someone shaking you and opened your eyes, you see your parents in front of you with worried eyes. You cried into your mother's chest wanting to comfort. "The nightmare was that bad?" You nodded "Well, it's over now. Would you like to talk about it?" "Yes please."
(After explanation)
"So all of that you saw was true?" " Yes and I fear it's going to come sooner than later." A loud thunderous cracks and explosions busted into your home shaking the interior. "What was that?" "I don't know but it can't be good, we need to go now." Your father grabbed you and ran out of the house. The outside is just like the one in your nightmare. Buildings on fire, people running for their lives, children crying for their parents.  It was chaotic, as you were just about to make it outside the city a similar dark silhouette came into your view the same silhouette of an aardvark mask. 


The dark entity stood between us and the outside, "Who are you and what do you want?!?" My father questioned. And all the person did was point to me, the whole message was clear to me and my parents. "Run, I'll hold them back you get to safety." "But father.." "No buts, you need to survive." Before we even took a step the man swung his hand towards us and everything went black.

I open my eyes again to see my right leg chained to the floor, I realized I was in a dungeon of some kind, it was dark, damp, and smelled like someone left out a corpse in the desert too long. My parents weren't found anywhere. The sound of the door hit my ears and got my attention, it was the aardvark mask again. I backed away in the darkest corner away from him. He opened the door and came closer to me squatting down to probably get a better look at me. I couldn't really see his face but his eyes. They glowed in the dim lightroom, what I feared was that this man had the same eyes as the other man who saved me the other day, "Don't tell me your him! That man who saved me today?!" "You're smarter than you look." Even his voice is the same! "Why did you save me!?" "Because I need you for your abilities, I can use you if you're dead." "Well, I don't have any!" "Oh, but you do, did you dream of anything or had any dreams in your life?" "Why should I tell you." "Because if you don't want to help me...then your mother and father are going to have a.. let's say a rough time in the lion's den." "Yes, I did have a dream." "Oh tell me about it. I have all the time in the world." He gave off an unsettling smile, after explaining the nightmare to him... "What you had was a vision dear child." "I'm not a child!!" "You may not look like it but you're a child in my eyes." He held out a collar with a chain attached to it "Now don't struggle alright, let's not make this harder than it needs to be." 

As he got closer I wait for a second to kick him in the jaw knocking his mask off, his hair was fiery red and long while his face looked like it was sculptured by the best artist in the world. His eyes darted to me and in a flash, his hand started to choke me "Do you know who the fu*k I am?!! I am the god of war, storms, and chaos Set! You will show me respect!" He forces the collar on me and drops me on the hard brick "Now hurry up." He pulled hard on the chain dragging me up the stairs and down the hall.  We entered what seems like a small room filled with tools and artifacts that the priest/priestesses use. "What is all of this?" "You'll be staying here as my seer and priest/priestess." "You can't just force someone to be your priest/priestess, plus don't you already have a priest/priestess?" "I can have as many as I want! And you will do as I say, think about your parents." I stayed quiet not wanting to piss him off even further. "I'll be back in an hour or two so you better be prepared to tell me the future." With that, he shut the door and locked it. I collapsed on my knees crying "I didn't ask for this...."

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