Meeting Friends

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You woke up next to Kurapika he was already up and was playing with your hair. You snuggled next to him and felt his warmth wrap around your body as he wrapped his arms around you. You loved how you felt safe around him and you could tell he felt safe around you. He then said " we should get ready we are going to go see some of my friends today and I am pretty excited." You looked at his face with bright eyes and hugged him tight one last time before you got up. You got out and jumped up and ran to the shower before he could get there. He grabbed and said" you do this every morning." And you giggled.

You were both now ready and started walking to a park where they were supposed to meet up. You got to the park and Kurapika when you got closer he pointed out his friends. You say quietly "Killua?" Kurapika looked at you and asked " did you say something" you just shook your head but realized it actually was Killua you got a bit excited also because when you were both small because you would always play together while your parents did work and you would also train him sometimes he was like your best friend.
You saw the boy with black hair with a green tint yell " KURAPIKA" and he spit his food out on Killua. You laughed while you saw Killua running after the boy with a pie and he smashed it in his face. After that Killua had finally realized it was you and his eyes softened. You just went up and hugged him knowing what he has been through with his family. Kurapika and the boy both looked shocked because they thought you were just strangers to each other. Killua hugs you back and you break away and say "you have grown your catching up to me." You saw him giggle and he says " give me a couple of years and your beat." Kurapika and his friend still looking at you clueless of what was happening. You both turn and say " oh they don't know." You say" me and Killua have know each other for a long time we meet through our parents doing work together."Killua suddenly jumped back and said " your not here to take me back are you." You laugh and say" of course not I would never I even hated it at your house and I didn't even live there." He smiled and walked closer. He introduced you to Gon you were glad he finally found a friend on his own.
You all headed back to a room to talk and while on the way you could tell Kurapika was a bit nervous. You grabbed his hand and moved closer you felt him ease up a little. When Killua turned back and yelled"Y/NS GOT A BOY FRIENDDDDD" you used your telekinesis to pull his shirt to the ground and laughed. He yelled at you and said " DONT TOUCH ME LOSER." You yelled " BUT I DIDNT TOUCH YOU I USED NEN AND YOU ARE THE LOSER HERE." He started chasing you around when Kurapika laughed at the two of you and you got a bit embarrassed because he saw your super childish side. When Killua finally got close to you you hid behind Kurapika and used him as a shield from Killua sticky kid hands(lol). Kurapika was just laughing the whole time and so was Gon. They both liked to see this side of you guys because you both had been put through a lot and they knew. You yelled at Killua and said " YOU WILL NEVER GET ME." He finally gave up and walked next to Gon calling you an Idiot.

You stood next to Kurapika again and gave him a smile and he smiled back and you held hands the rest of the way and every time you saw Killua look at you you just let out some evil nen and he looked away. You finally got to the room and there was a loud tall man there and he turned to you before he even looked at Kurapika and he did loudly " who is fine young lady and why is she next to Kurapika out of all people she could get better." Kurapika looked at the man with anger in his eyes. You just laughed and said " well Kurapika is already better than you and I just met you." Kurapika laughed and so did Killua and Gon the tall man said " well someone's got a bad attitude is someone on their period." You just looked at him with anger and Killua and Kurapika knew there was no way of getting him out of this one. You just let your nen out which cause the whole room to go still and quiet. The man looked so scared when you started to walk towards him Kurapika just grabbed your hand and you calmed down. You concealed your nen once again and laughed " dang I was really about to kill you dude if Kurapika didn't stop me you'd be done."

Killua looked relieved that I stoped because he knew that I would have killed him. Gon just ran up infront of me and said " YOU GOTTA TEACH ME THAT." You just laughed and said you would later. Leorio introduced himself and apologized to you afraid you would try to kill him again. You all were sitting down when there wasn't any other seats. So without thinking you just sat on Kurapikas lap. He blushed a bit and you looked at him a bit embarrassed you went to sit up and he already had is arm around your waist. Killua said " yuck" and Gon giggled. You just looked over at him and said "don't start with me Killua I will beat your ass." He just looked away. They started talking about the chain user. Then Kurapika said that it was him and Killua just said " I knew it " while Gon showed concerned. And Kurapika just talked about his plan to get rid of the spiders and get eyes back. Every time he got angry he would tighten on your waist but then realized and loosened his grip not wanting to hurt you.

I really liked this one lol sorry for misspellings but I hope you enjoy!!!

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