Shoot literally🏃🏻‍♀️

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    The car sped up but you had to stop because of traffic you were slowly going through and got up closer and the bosses dad told the officers what was happening and to keep an eye out for Neon/ the boss
You got through and got to the place of the auction

Then when you got in you went to look over the security cameras to see what had happened. You saw Neon with a man with black hair but he looked slightly familiar but you just shook it off.  You guys went up to the room where Neon was being kept but she was out cold. You were headed out to go check out the place and keep guard when Kurapika grabbed your hand.  You look back at him and he says " please be careful you know how dangerous this can be." You look him in his eyes and say " I will be careful but only if you are so no doing crazy stupid stuff ok?" He smiled and nodded. You walked out to the stairs when you heard gun shots outside. The amount you heard grew as you were headed down. So many people were yelling and you were trying to see what was happening. You saw people outside shooting their own crew members.

You stopped as many bullets as you could from inside with your telekinesis but there was to many. You were trying to calm some people down and they were not having it. When Kurapika came down to he ran over to you and pushed you down. You were surprised by what he did but then saw him stab a man with his chain because he had a gun pointing at you. He grabs your hand and said  " I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL " his eyes were red. You grabbed his face and said " I'm ok you need to go back up, ok"
He looked a bit worried and kissed your hand and went back up.

You heard a loud bang from the other room and went over and saw Silva and Zeno fighting the leader of the group you realized that was who he was. You felt nothing but rage remembering what he had done  to your sister and Kurapikas clan. You let out your aura and nen out without knowing and they all stopped fighting. The leader you remembers his name was Chrollo. You walked over a bit and he tried to hide the fact he was scared and you just looked over at Silva and said " he's mine you can have the reward I just want to kill him myself." Chrollo looked terrified as your aura was seeping death and evil. Your hair started floating a bit because that had happened when you got mad. Every step closer you took broke the floor. You walk over and use a psychic power to make him freeze so he could not move. You went over and crushed his neck in your bare hands. The whole room went cold when you saw his neck reform he had used a stolen power to reverse time. Then Silva got a call and just started to walk out of the room and said "I guess  I'm not getting payed today so you can live for now." Zeno followed him. As Chrollo looked at you closer and said "I know you you killed one of my members"
You laughed at his comment and said "yeah and I am aiming for an even score." He disappeard out of the room using another stolen power. You got so mad that he just left you started punching every thing the whole building heard those punches. Kurapika ran into the room and saw you punching everything in your way. He saw you and he went over and grabbed you and pulled you into a hud even though being exposed to your aura hit him. You were crying but not letting out any noise. He was petting your head and wiped your tears from your face and he said"explain now". You looked up at him and said " I saw the leader and I killed him and then he put himself back together and now he is out there alive when I could have killed him." Kurapika looked shocked at what you had said and he just patted your head more. Once you had calmed and put your aura away she looked at you and hugged you tight for awhile. He said" don't worry anymore about this I have it all under control darling."

Lol I thought this was good sorry there wasn't more Kurapika content but I need to get the plot in there to sorry for spelling errors. Hope you enjoyed!!!!<3

Any suggestions or requests for future stories???

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