Hollywood's restaurant

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They got out of the studio and headed, before going to Scarlett's studio, to get a snack in the restaurant, while going there Chris kept looking at her and after some minutes of silence he said:

-You've met that guy more the an once, haven't you? It's okay, as long as nothing bad happens to you

-Dad, I promise nothing will happen, since he's leaving town and I will never see him again - and she smiled.

They got into the restaurant and Charlotte froze, that place was full of famous people, she looked around. Everyone was talking in little groups, the restaurant was a little bit small and was full of windows, when they got in, a group that was in a corner stood up and went directly to the door, and all at once said:

-Hey Chris how are you?

They stood up straight up when they saw the kid. Charlotte was looking back at them. She was in front of the Avengers cast!! She couldn't believe it! That day was getting better by seconds.

-Very good! and you?

They were going to answer when they realied Charlotte, and all of them stared at her, the moment they did it she felt really uncomfortable and unconsciusly she hid behind Chris, she knew that was a childish thing to do, but she didn't care, she didn't like people staring at her the way they were. Chris grabbed her hand and pulled her gently back to the front and leaned her against her and gave her a kiss on the head and said to the rest of the group:

-This is my daughter, the one that went missing the day she was born

-So it's Scarlett's too right? - said Robert

Charlotte looked back to her father and he saw him nodding to what Robert had said, and turning back again smiled. From then to five minutes on there were all the presentation and eventhough she knew who everyone was she let them present and to all of them she answered:

-Nice to meet you too


-My name is Charlotte

Or both of them

After they had finished they went back to the table they were sitting at. They all sat around it and Charlotte ended up between her father and Robert Downey. They started talking about things that she didn't know about, like politics and all that stuff, they all voted to the same one, when she got a text message from a number she didn't haver registred it said:

Hey little woman! I'm not being deported, just wanted to know if we could meet at the same spot at 7 sharp

I'm not sure if I can do that but I'll try

Okay, don't worry, I just wanted to tell you the truth about all of this and present myself better

Oh! Okay, I'm looking forwards to it! Then see you at 7 at the park

Okay Bye see you later


She left the phone aside and started listening to the conversation the grown ups were having. As before they continued havng the conversation about politicics and then they turned to sports and, about ten minutes after a bell started ringing and all of the actors started going outside. She saw a lot of actors that she knew and had seen a lot of their movies she saw Will Smith, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp and Matt Damon. She held the door for them, and got a "Thank you very much" from them with a big smile, when all of them, including her father and his group were out they said goodbye and took each of them different directions, except for Chris and Charlotte that stayed in front of the restaurant while waiting for Scarlett to pick up Chris's phone.

She got it and told her where she was, she had gone out with some friends and she wasn't in the studio, so they agreed to meet in the restaurant they where in. He hang up and went back in the restaurant with his daughter and sat at a table, both of them asked for a glass of water while waitnig for Scarlett.

-So... - said Chris - about the homeless

-Don't worry dad, he's out of the state and I don't think he'll ever come back - and a big smile appeared on her face, and she prayed that her dad would buy that and wouldn't ask more things about that man

Her father didn't insist on the thing ever in a long time in the future.

There was an akward silence that lasted a little bit, since sound of high heels running were heard, and Scarlett appeared running and with a face of preocupation she entered, also running the door, and stop in front of her daughter and said:

-I've heard what has happened, are you okay sweetheart?

-Yeah, mum I'm fine, the one you should be asking is dad because he was the one that gave the man a good punch.

Scarlett had her eyes wide open and she turned to Chris to say:

-Are you kidding me?

-No I'm not, and don't need to worry, I'm perfectly good! - and he smiled - so were have you been, all avengers were here except you

-Yeah, I had to talk with some friends about something very important

-Oh, okay then - and he grabbed her hand kissed it

-Chris I think that... - she looked at the floor when she stopped talking

-Scarlett marry me

Both Charlotte and Scarlett looked at Chris wit atonishment

-What? - asked Scarlett with tears of joy rolling through her face

This time he knelt pulled out a ring from his pocket and said:

-Scarlett Johansson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

Charlotte stands up and, quietly start jumping besides her mother. She didn't see that coming, she had wanted that since she first saw them together. When she looked back at them both of them were crying, you see how your mother and, since the restaurant is empty, you yell:


Scarlett stands up, kisses Chris and starting laughing both look at Charlotte, who was still jumping, they grabb her and pulled her into the family hug.

They stayed there for a long time and when they stopped Scarlett turns to Charlotte and says:

-Wanna come with me to my studio?

Charlotte grabbed Scarlett's hand and went the three of them to Scarlett's studio where the girls said goodbye to Chris

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