My "Boyfriend" Hates Me!! (chapter 4)

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I know I haven't been updating so don't hate. We all have schedules. Anyways, here it is.

Chapter 4................................

Larrisa POV

I woke up to my phone ringing constantly. When I answered it Daisy practically screamed, "YOU GOT THE PART!! YOU GET TO BE ADAM'S GIRLFRIEND!!!" I was so excited I couldn't say anything. I talked with Daisy for awhile and she said my first rehearsal started in 2 hours. Crap, that's not a lot of time to prepare! I hung up with her and immediately started to get ready. I can't believe it!! My first big role!! Wait till Kayla and Margaret find out!!

"Whoa." I walked into the rehearsal room in a daze. I can't believe it. I'm in a movie with Adam Williams! The fist hour of my rehearsal was just a read-through of what the movie is. Adam came in with his coffee and I think every girl in the room was like, (dreamy sigh). Even me!

After the read-through, I was thrown into hair and makeup to test out different looks for my character. I had at least twenty different stylists, but my main peeps were Megan and Ramin. Megan was in charge of my hair while Ramin was my makeup. They are so cool and so easy to talk to. When we finally found a look, and a decent outfit, we went to go find the director, Mark Platt. I was talking to Ramin when I bumped into who else, but Adam! His coffee went flying and landed all over me and him. I was so embarrassed! "Look what you did! This shirt was brand new! Steve is going to kill you. But that coffee sucked anyways, so you did me a favor. But still, ugh!" He stalked his was back to his dressing room while me Megan, and Ramin stood there. "Oh sweetie, don't worry about it. Adam will get over it. That shirt was so last season anyways," Megan said. "Megan's right. Let's see the director another time. He can wait. Boo we gotta clean you up!" Ramin made me laugh half-heartedly. So we made our way back to my dressing room.

Adam POV

I barged into my room In a stormy rage. Steve looked like he was going to faint when he saw me dripping with coffee. "Adam! What did I tell you about not getting anything on that shirt? It was vintage!" Stephanie was messing around with makeup shades. "I don't think you want me to say anything about this." I just fell onto my couch and couldn't stop thinking about what a klutz that person was. "Who did this?" Steve demanded to know. "That girlfriend I have, Lucy? Logan? Laura? Larissa! Either way, she was being clumsy." Stephanie was trying to stop Steve from hyperventilating. Why did that have to pick that girl. Of all people. But there's something about her that makes me not so mad at her. I mean, it was just an accident. Right?


Hey guys. I tried to make this really good since I haven't updated. Let me know what you think. I'll try to update later on or tomorrow. Peace out

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