" Relax liebling " Medic x Therapist! Reader

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You hummed as the song in the background played, the singer saying the lyrics with the beat reminding you of somebody, you sighed at the thought of him dreamily. You hadn't even realized it but your work was long forgotten as you had zoned out, a thing you did often now, which bothered you extremely. You used to focus on your work when you were younger, hell you used to not have to put any effort into it, it "came easy to you" as the teachers would say.

You knew something was wrong with you, mentally. You were a therapist for gods sake! Why can't you just do this on your own? You never realized how hard it was to ask for help..honestly it was difficult, especially having to admit to somebody with the same education as you has to do your job, to you nonetheless! You hummed the song as you shook your head to stop you from zoning out.

Thats when you heard footsteps approaching the doors to your office.

Quickly you put your best focused look and tried to get back into your work, writing down notes for what you would need to tell the team, what the team did and didn't need. Soon enough your door was knocked upon with quiet words asked after they were done knocking.

" Liebe? May I come in? "

God you loved his voice, his accent was great and his deep voice made it even better. You shook your head as you felt your face flush. Sputtering, regrettably on your behalf, you answered his question.

" Ye-yes! Uhm..come in! "

You looked towards the door as he opened it, looking at you softly. You took quick notice of his messy hair, how the bags under his eyes were more noticeable. Hell, even his glasses weren't there, looking like he just woke up. He sat down in the chair in-front of your desk, sighing and resting his body into the soft chair. Taking notice of his tired look, you promptly asked, " Do you want a cup of tea? Or coffee? " with a knowing look.

He chuckled at how you read him like a book and nodded. " A cup of tea is fine. " You smiled softly and sat up to go make him tea. Thankfully in your office you had a tea and coffee maker, all you needed is water from the bathroom and you were fine. You began making his tea while you saw him in the corner of your eye looking around your office, the first time he's been in here since you left for your mission a month ago.  You finished and poured a cup for both him and you before handing it to him and sitting in the chair beside his, preferring not to look at your work for the time being. Getting a better look at him you noticed how soft his skin looked, how big his hands actually were as he held the cup of tea.

" So...What or who is the problem? " you asked him.

On base you acted as a therapist for the mercenaries, god knows how much they needed one. Plus Miss Pauling was trying to do her work and decided to ask the Administrator for a extra set of hands, so you partially acted as a helper for her. You had the correct teaching for your job and had found Heavy, Spy, and Medic the easiest to talk to. Heavy and Spy were both fairly level headed, of course Heavy having his rule about his gun but nonetheless off the battle field the man was good to vent to. Especially knowing from how his sisters were when he was little. Spy was just calm all together, if you ever had a problem that you couldn't handle mentally? He'll be there to vent to. But Medic? He was great to vent too, hell, might even relate to you or give you tips, or just let you relax, rub your shoulders and try to get you less tense. This man fit you like a jigsaw puzzle piece, but now we have to finish the picture.

Medic looks at you with a sigh and sipped the tea before looking up at you. " I simply can't work! It's as if my minds out to get me! " he said with a bit of exaggeration. You giggled and shifted in your chair. " I've been feeling the same, it's so easy to zone out thinking about things. Hell I can't even think straight without thinking of somebody... " you said, mumbling the last part kind of as you sipped your tea. Medic, being as close as he was to you currently, heard the last part and raised a eyebrow. Chuckling he asked.

" So, who is that somebody? "

You, shocked he even heard that for a second, sat there staring at the ground with your face flushed.

" Ah...n-no one important.."

He leaned forward, placing his cup on the desk.

" Hm? I didn't quiet get that.. "

Your face somehow felt like it got hotter. You looked away from the man.

" I-I... I really should be helping you here n-not me.. "

He chuckles again and placed his finger on your cheek, turning your head towards him. You hadn't even realized how close he had gotten to you until he spoke with a teasing tone.

" Your face is very hot...is meine liebling ill?~ "

You stared at him with wide eyes and your mouth slightly open from shock. He chuckled at your face and pecked you on the lips before leaning back in his chair.

" My, my, meine geliebte, you are adorable when you are flustered~ "

you put your cup on the table and stood up before leaning down to medic and yanking his tie to pull him into a kiss. Surprisingly he was a good kisser and honestly left you breathless when you had to break apart to breathe, like humans sadly have to do. He chuckled at your sudden confidence and pulled you into his lap to hug you in a comfortable position. No words spoke between the two of you as you both sat still enjoying each-others warmth.

" Confidence won't let you get me liebling~ " Was the first words out of his mouth. You looked up to him questionably as he pulled you into another kiss.

He didn't let you work until you both were relaxed that night.

Translations (according to google translate sorry lol) :
meine geliebte : My beloved

meine liebling : my darling


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