Chapter 4: An Important Meeting

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3rd Person POV

Giyuu, Sabito, and Makomo ran as fast as they could to get back to get back to the corps. Muzan has 6 children with him and for some reason alive. They have no idea what he could be planning or what's happening. All they knew is that the kids needed to be saved.

"What do you think he could be planning? Do you think he'll kill the children?!?" Makomo says in a panick. The two boys look at her with an equal worry.

"Honestly, I have no idea. For now we just need to focus on getting back so that we can inform Oyakata-sama and move from there." Sabito says picking up his pace. The others nod and match his speed.

Once the arrive at the corps they immediately ran towards the Ubuyashiki estate to speak to their master. Ignoring the yells of hello from their fellow slayers and Hashiras.

When they reach the estate they immediately knock on the door and wait for an answer, and not even 5 minutes later Ubuyashiki's wife, Amane Ubuyashiki, answered.

"We're sorry to bother you but we need to speak with Oyakata-sama immediately. It's very very important." Sabito says in a panick. Amane looks at the three kids who's face wears worry and let's them in. She leads them into the meeting room and goes to get her husband. After about 5 minutes she comes back and leads her husband to the fork of the room. She then says the Water Triplets are here and need to speak to him about something before bowing and leaving.

"My children, I sense panic and worry. What is wrong. What happened on your mission?" Ubuyashiki says in a calm tone, the three calm a little before Giyuu begins to speak.

"Well we had a mission to check a small village that was under a mountain because there were signs of a demon, in the town there was nothing so we went up the mountain and came across a small cottage." He states slowly calming him self down.

"We went in and immediately smelled blood, and it looked new. Giyuu checked the 4 small rooms, 2 looked like it belonged to children, 1 looked like it belonged to the parents, and the last looked like a guest room but it had a futon layer out. Makomo check outside and found 2 graves. One looked a few years old and one was as recent as this morning. I checked the kitchen and living room. The blood was in the living room while in the kitchen.... there was a note." Sabito says pulling the familiar piece of paper out. He handed it to Makomo and she began to read it.

"Dear whoever is reading this,

If your reading this it must be because your worried, first I would like to say I'm sorry, we can't bring down coal anymore. Our mother has passed away due to the hands of a demon, luckily however me and my siblings lived. But we can't stay here. That thing said he would be back for us and it's not safe. However we are not alone so there is no need to worry, a kind man with black curly hair, pale skin, and red eyes named Muzan has taken us in, he said he would protect us, so please don't worry about us, we are safe. Oh and if you come across Mr.Saburo tell him thank you for the wisteria flowers, it's what saved mine and my siblings lives. Sore again for not being able to bring you all charcoal anymore, please be careful at night and live happily.

-Tanjiro Kamado"

By the time she finishes reading it Ubuyashiki is in a panic.

"How many children?!? Was there anything else that points to what that woman wants with them!?!" Ubuyashiki say trying to calm down but he doesn't seem to be able to.

"Well at the house there were no other clues, not even the amount of children. But we went down the mountain and found another small house, it belonged to the man in the note, Mr.Saburo, he told us that it was a family of 8, the father passed of an illness, the mother died in the demon attack, leaving 6 children. Their names are Tanjiro, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta. Their respected ages are 13, 12, 11, 9, 8, and 6. Apparently they sell charcoal to the town. The oldest took over the selling after their father passed. But yesterday was very cloudy and the sun was barley visible, so demons could walk in the day. Tanjiro must've run into him and for some reason invited him home. Mr.Saburo gave him wisteria for his siblings and him and I think that saved their lives but Muzan has then and we have no idea where he's taken them. Oh and he also gave us a photo of what all the kids look like." Sabito says pulling out the photo.

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