Chapter 15: A New Begining

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"What the- what kind of demon would have the mind to kill a mother and her daughter not only in their house, but in the middle of a busy city?" A man wearing the demon slayer uniform asked his partner.

"No idea, must have been desperate though, but it's weird, they're not even eaten, just dead." replied the other.

"Oh hey look, here's an ID, must be the woman's. It says her name is Rei Kibutsuji, we should take this to master." The first slayer said, not noticing the familiar name.

"Are you dumb?! Of course we do, read that last name again idiot!" Shouted the second slayer, whose face has now paled.

"Kibutsuji?..... oh shit"


3rd Person POV

"So, you must be wondering why you are all here." Ubuyashiki said to the small family in front of him. "I wanted to discuss with you about your future. You don't have to be a part of the corps if you don't wish to, but if you do wish to become a slayer we would need to start your training. Of course this doesn't not apply to Rokuta, he is still far too young to take part in any kind of training, when he is older he can make his choice." he finished. The rest of the children gave a nod in agreement.

The remaining kids got to thinking, but there wasn't really much to think about. Of course they wanted to be a part of the corps, they had saved them from a monster, so naturally Tanjiro was the first to speak up.

"Oyakata-sama I would like to be trained to be a Demon Slayer, the corps saved my family and I would like to do anything I can to repay you all." he spoke.

"Me too! I want to help! Not only that but I want to avenge Oka-san. Nii-chan you don't know this because you passed out, but she put her trust in Muzan-san only for him to have betrayed her. I want to help kill him." Takeo said, turning to Tanjiro. Tanjiro's face contorted to shock before settling into a smile and patting his brother's head, the same way he did weeks ago.

"Me to Nii-Chan, I want to be a Slayer. That day I did nothing but hide. I don't want to do that. I want to be strong like you." Nezuko spoke next with a determined smile.

While they were very passionate about wanting to kill demons the 2 youngest couldn't push themselves to agree. Of course they had wanted to help, but the demons scared them too much. The memories they only hold serve as a nightmare they can't get over. The fear they hold is just too paralyzing for any determination or the want for revenge to ever push them toward the path of wielding a katana.

"Nii-Chan I want to help too, but I don't want to ever look at a monster ever again. It's too scary."
Hanako said with teary eyes. Shigeru could only nod his head in agreement.

"That's okay, you don't have to fight the demons, no one is going to force you to." Tanjiro said as he wiped Hanako's eyes and gave the two a forehead kiss.

"There are still ways to help, there are many who want to help but are scared of the demons. There are the kakushi, who do clean up after a mission or work around the corps, like carrying the injured back to the corps and making uniforms. Then there are the Swordsmith, they make the katanas that the Slayers use. And last but not least there are the medics, they take care of sick and injured. You don't have to hold a sword to be part of the corps." Ubuyashiki said with a sweet smile.

The two thought about it before excitedly speaking out.

"Nee-san and Oni-chan always take care of me when I'm sick or hurt. I want to take care of them too, I want to be a medic!" Hanako said with wide smile.

"I want to be a ka-kakushi, I want to be big and strong like Nii-chan and help." Shigeru said with bright eyes, struggling over the new word but he has the spirit.

"That's great, I'm happy you all want to be part of the corps! While training will be quite long and hard I'm sure you'll all be able to make it though. Later this week we will hold a meeting that will include the Hashiras so that we can figure out who will be training you, but for now I believe it is lunch time. You all must be hungry." Ubuyashiki
said while standing.

On que Rokuta stomach rumbles, they all shared a laugh before spreading to their respected homes, the kamados to the butterfly estate and Ubuyashiki back inside.

So it's been a while huh? Yeah it has. Last month was a really struggle. I had finals i needed to do and study for and family problems. But now is summer so things should be less stressful. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, it is pretty much filler but there were things needed to be done to get thing on the move :D ANYWAYS HAVE A GOOD MORNING EVERYONE💞💞


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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