Age 35

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At age 35 Finton started his career as a freelance crochet master. He has a small shop in Maysville Kentucky which he has worked towards ever since he turned 16. His friends since 4th grade gabe, grace, and josh occasionally helped out but they had their own passions. One day his friend Gabe announced he was getting married to the love of his life. Ethan and gabe had been dating for 17 years and finally wanted to get married. He was happy for them and went to the marriage ceremony. As gifts, he made custom blankets for them with depictions of them holding hands.

After the wedding life slowed down a bit though Finton did want to ask out his long awaiting love. The stain on the math room ceiling had been calling to him for years but he didn't have the courage until now. He asked them out and they said yes! And he knew just where to take them. The band room was the perfect date, he could serenade his love with wonderful flute music while they ate. They went on several dates after that and their love flourished for many years. Their business together grew and grew over the next few years together and they became a well known establishment not only in the area but all of the west coast.

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