Chapter One- His name starts with 'D'

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My name is Steaphan Màrr. I am a seventeen year old child prodigy. Not in the way that most people would expect, however. I'm not talented in music, art, or anything of that nature. I harbor a past and a future that is my burden and my burden alone to bare. That, however, is for a different time. Sitting up in bed, I turn my alarm clock off before it can ring.

"Elsa! Fangen Sie Frühstuck an!" Why my father insisted upon having German servants will forever be beyond my knowledge. I had a rough enough time speaking normal English with my accent. German was a whole different story. I grew up in Scotland, and didn't move here until I was just starting the ninth grade level. That being said, my accent might as well have been the eighth wonder of the world. The teasing only lasted about a week before people realized that I was not a force to be reckone with.

With a small grunt of protest, my feet make contact with the cold wood floor, and I immediately get goosebumps. I knew this was a big house, but come on. Seriously? It did not have to be this fucking cold in here. With a shake of my head, I yank open the drawers of my dresser and start pulling clothes out. Boxers, black jeans, and a dark blue t-shirt. Yep, I was going to be simple today. First day of school, not my problem.

I was a bit more awake by the time I got to the shower. On top of that, I could smell Elsa's cooking and it made my stomach growl, so I hurried through my shower and barely had time to pull a comb through my hair before she was knocking on my door.

"Steaphan! Das Frühstück ist fertig!" Even at six in the morning, Elsa still sounded wide awake.

"Danke, Elsa!" I called back, spraying my cologne on my shirt before heading downstairs. Just as promised, there were stacks of waffles on the table. "Riecht gut, Elsa. Gibt es Erdbeeren?"

"Die erdbeeren sind in den Pfannkuchen." She places syrup in front of my plate before scuttling off to do whatever it is that she needed to do. By the time I was finished with breakfast, it was six forty-five and my father hadn't made an appearance yet. Perfect. That means I didn't have to put up with him this morning.

Keys in hand, I head for the door to the garage. Today was going to be a good first day at school. I could feel it.

To say I was disappointed when my alarm went off would be a major understatement. I had been in the middle of a very pleasant dream, and my alarm ended up interrupting it. Just when it was getting good to.

"Dominik! Turn that fucking thing off!" My mothers voice was not the most pleasant this early in the morning, so I quickly shut my alarm off. I laid there for a moment, thinking back on my dream. It made my skin flush a little just thinking about it. I had been crushing on Steaphan since he moved here in the ninth grade, and every now and then I'd get these dreams about him. I'll be dammed if they didn't get me hot.

With a heavy sigh, I pull myself out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom. Just like every morning, though, my little sister ran past me and slammed the door shut, making me groan.

"Mom! She did it again!" I yelled, shuffling back to my room. My little sister had made it a game to get to the bathroom before me in the morning. She didn't have anywhere to be, but she sure did like taking her sweet ass time. It annoyed me. To no end.

I ended up skipping my shower, dressing myself with a dark green long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. People always said I looked better in darker colors, that it compliments my eyes or some bullshit like that.

"Bye mom!" I grabbed my backpack on the way out and started walking. Everyone at this age had a car. Then again, everyone at this age had a rich family. The thought of it saddened me a bit. Mama wouldn't say anything about it, but I knew we were struggling with money. She just didn't want to worry Anna. I already knew, and she knew that I knew, so it was just a mutual agreement that we acted like nothing was wrong in front of my sister. In all honesty, we probably wouldn't have a house by the end of the school year.

This was going to be a shitty first day, and I could already feel it.

So there's the first chapter of the revamped old version! I hope y'all like the new version. Comment, vote, all that other fun stuff :3 peace out until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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