Chapter 2

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As she walked down the corridor she felt herself sigh. She was on her way to potions, her favorite class, and thought of last night's events. When Mary Mcdonald, her only real friend in Gryffindor told her that Sev was outside she just told Mary to tell him she didn't want to talk to him. She came back and said he was going to sleep outside. A small bit of her at the time thought he deserved it but she couldn't do that to him and who knows what James would say if he found out. When she went out she had one of the hardest conversations she ever had. She said she couldn't be friends with someone who believed stuff like that. She went back to the common room and cried next to Mary. Mary's parents had both been Slythrin and they seemed nice whenever Lily saw them. When all of the other 1st years saw her hang with Sev they were confused and didn't talk to her much but Mary seemed fine with it. They aren't super close but they are always there for each other.

Usually O.W.Ls are taken at the end of the year but this year they wanted to try having midterms and finals to see if they improved their grades. She was very excited to learn her Potions score. It was her first class of the day and her favorite. Though it was bittersweet because the Gryffindors had potions alone so she wouldn't have to see Severas first thing but she had to see James.

As the class started she gave Professor Slughorn a nervous smile and he waved back gleefully.

He always said she was his favorite student and he was her favorite teacher. He understood very much and wasn't as strict as other teachers here tend to be. He gave a small speech on how you shouldn't share your results. She heard laughter and looked over at James whisper into Sirius' ear and he laughed and whispered it to Remus who gave a small smile. He always seemed the more tame of the three and in another life they might have been friends if he didn't hang out with James as much. Slughorn passed around small slips of paper and she flipped it over to see a big Outstanding in Slughorn's writing. She smiled to herself and showed her slip to Mary. Mary looked and smiled and showed respectable Exceeds Expectations. She always thought Mary should've ended up in Hufflepuff for she was the sweetest thing. She knew that sweet can also be lying in a way and that's why they were never as close as Sev and her. They were...well used to be honest with each other.

After a fun class of learning about Araveus the idiot and his extremely explosive potion she left for Charms and was in a hurry to explain to Flitwick why she missed last class. She was going to say something along the lines of exam sickness or something. When she heard his laugh.

"Just give me a minute" he said to his friends "I'll meet you there"

She sighed knowing how he would walk up to her, flirt with her and make a joke at Sevs expense and she was prepared to slap him in the face for what he did yesterday. But instead of his usual "Evans why wont you go out with me" he tapped her on the shoulder and said

"I heard what you did Evans nice going, I mean after what he did to you"

For a second she was confused cause this wasn't his normal banter but then it hit her he found out that she's not friends with Severas anymore. Yet after what he said she couldn't help defending him

" He didn't mean it, it just slipped out"

James jumped in front of her and stopped so she would to if not to walk right into him, a classic James move, and said not in a loud voice for everyone to hear, unlike usual, and said slowly

" Ya Evans it just slipped out...sure but what a thing to accidentally slip you really want to hang out with someone who thinks like that"

For a small second she thought he was giving wise advice but then she remembered it was James Potter, the boy who had made her life a frequent fight. She looked him dead in the eyes and asked stiffly

"Can you move please?"

He looked a tad surprised, like always, that his "charm" didn't work and gave a sarcastic sigh with a smile and back to his normal volume he said

" See you around Evans" Winked at her and ran up to Sirius and Remus.

She sighed and looked at the time to see she was late and ran up the steps to Charms. She will talk with Flitwick after it seems.

Hope you guys like it :)

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