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I wish I was a bird.
I wish I could fly high up in the sky until there was nothing left but the dark empty universe.
Instead, I am chained.
Not only physical but emotionally too.
My thoughts never being my own, but still, I'm always alone.
I wish I was free.
I wish I wasn't me.


I woke up in my cold cell. The bed was old and fragile, I wouldn't even call it a bed at this point. The window was small with bars in front of it, and sometimes a small breeze would get through making the window clasp.

"Blythe!" The guard yelled causing me to sit up.
"Get dressed, the ministry wants to talk to you"
He said with a harsh tone.

I sighed letting my mind wander.
what could the ministry possibly want from me?

I silently stood up grabbing my clothes up from the floor.
I slid out of my nightwear and into the old prison clothes, that would scratch my skin making it irritated.
As I stood only in my underwear I looked at the bruises spread all over my body.
I guess being in Azkaban was an automatic death wish because ever since I was old enough to stand up for myself I would get beaten.
My body was frail and dirty, making it hard to appear presentable, especially for the ministry.


I was sitting in the Victorian decorated office with my hands cuffed.
Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban, so I guess the guards were being extra careful - not that a teenage girl was as dangerous as a grown man.
A plate with sweets was sitting on the desk in front of me.
My stomach growled but was quickly interrupted.

"Hello Elaine," a male voice said making me turn around. I looked at the man, a little startled by the sudden voice echoing through the room. His beard was long and he was wearing all white.

He sat down in the chair in front of me and took a sweet from the plate.

"Want some?" He asked handing me the plate.

I gave him a confused look and motioned towards the handcuffs.

"Ah yes. Take the handcuffs off, this girl is obviously not a threat" the old man said and gave me a polite smile.

I didn't know whether to be offended or thankful, but I decided to just thank him. The guard took the handcuffs off and I sighed as I rubbed my wrist tightly.

"Of course! My name is Dumbledore, and this is professor Snape and Professor McGonagall" he said referring to a tall man with black hair and an older woman.

"I'm sorry sir, am I in trouble?" I asked, not knowing what I did this time.

"Not at all! We're from Hogwarts school of wizardry!" He said proudly.

"Why are you talking to me?" I asked, confusion plastered across my now pale face.

"Well.." he began "We know about your situation, and we know that your parents are Scarlett & Elijah Blythe"

I gulped at the mention of their names.
Sure, I never knew them, but the thought of them still made me emotional.

"No child deserves to be locked up because of their parents," he said smiling warmly, which made me relax. He was one of the first adults to be polite to me.

Aching Hearts // Draco Malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now