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I never understood
How someone could Pour their entire soul and heart Into someone
Without wanting anything in return.

But now I do.

I understand now.


Weeks had passed by, but it was some of the most slow-burning horrendous weeks any students had experienced at Hogwarts.
Umbridge had found some new rules at Hogwarts, and none of us were excited about it, to say the least.

She had also tried to fire and banish Professor Trelawney from Hogwarts since she "didn't meet up to her standards"
Fortunately, Dumbledore was still in charge and quickly shot the whole idea down.

She had also replaced Dumbledore as the head of Hogwarts it felt like, meaning her rules were about to change the whole school.

"Any Student Found In Possession Of Sweets From Unauthorized Suppliers Will Be Expelled"

"Wands To Be Confiscated From Students Casting Recreational Spells. All Magical Objects To Be Held By High Inquisitor Until Further Notice"

"Any Literature By Non-Wizards Or Half Breeds Is Banned Forthwith"

These were some of the brain-dead rules the middle-aged woman had created.

I was looking at the wall with all the rules, when I felt a tall figure approach me, standing quietly beside me.

"Boys & Girls Are Not Permitted To Be Within 6 Inches Of Each Other" how on earth will we ever handle that?" His voice asked sarcastically.
I turned around and met eyes with Draco. He had a playful smirk on his lips, and his hair was hanging lazily on his forehead.

Ever since he admitted he cared about me things had changed. We were completely on first-name basis now, and Draco had become a lot softer over the past few weeks.
We weren't a couple, but from the outside, it definitely seemed like it.
Harry wasn't pleased, of course, in fact, he hadn't really talked to me at all since the dating rumors started.

"That's a tough one" I mumbled, feeling a mischievous smirk form on my lips.
Draco stepped closer to me, wrapping his strong hands around my waist.
His crotch was pressed against mine, and we definitely weren't 6 inches apart.

He connected his lips with mine, letting our tongues dance in sync.
I grabbed his hair, lightly tugging at the platinum strands, making him groan quietly into the kiss.

Suddenly something pulled us apart with force. I looked around the corridor confusedly, until I met eyes with Umbridge.
She had a sickly sweet smile on her lips, and small hums could be heard from her.

"Mrs. Potter, we all know you're a liar, but first today did I find out you were also a slag" she hummed.
My eyes widened at her comment, and so did Draco's.

"What the fuck did you just call me!?" I yelled angrily, making a few students turn around in curiosity.

"Well, you must understand that school is not a place for your sexual activity, especially not dressed like that," he said calmly, eyeing me up and down.
I was wearing a floral skirt and a black tank top, nothing revealing, nothing inappropriate.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Draco yelled angrily, soon finding his spot beside me again.
A crowd of students was forming around us, including my brother and his friends.

I spotted Pansy in the crowd, her mouth was wide open as she looked between Draco and me, and then Umbridge.

"Sorry, Mr. Malfoy, but seeing as you actually didn't do anything wrong, I wouldn't have you be a part of this conversation" Umbridge hummed, clearly favoring the boy.

Aching Hearts // Draco Malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now