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After round 3 we had to actually get work done.  But Logan seems different today, like he is actually acting more like a boyfriend than just my boss.  But now it's dinner time and I have nothing to eat at my house.

"Happy birthday Miles!" I jumped from the couch to my feet and looked at the door.  It was Shawn.

"What the fuck Shawn?" I asked, I bend over and make sure that my TV show has stopped. 

"Happy 21 birthday!!  I have the perfect birthday party." Sometimes I think Shawn is actually the youngest siblings.  I rolled my eyes.  Logan might not text me because he took me out for lunch.

"I wanna take a shower." I said, Shawn smirked and nodded his head.


I was take my 5th shot and I was already messed up.  The room was spinning, I felt my phone buzzing and when I looked in the light, it burn my eyes but it was Logan.

I hope you're having

How do you know I am
having fun?

Let's just say I have
eyes on you Love.

Are they your eyes?

How about you
look up and
answer your
own question?

I look up and saw that Logan was staring right at me.  Not sure if he is smirking but I felt everything pull myself to him.  I looked down and saw that there was another text.

Come to me babyboy

I couldn't take it anymore.  I lean over to Shawn and whispered that I was meeting Logan.  Shawn was alright with it.  I got up and went up to the 3rd floor, who ever owns this place must be rich as all hell.  When I got up, there was only a few people only because it's the private VIP.  For like rich people.

Of course they know me, me and Logan come here when he needs a break.  So they let me right through.  I walk to booth 21 witch was the booth that he was always in.

"Well, Mister Deven, how did you know I was in here?" Logan smirked, I didn't say anything.  I walked up to Logan that is just sitting on the seat that the booth has. It was quiet, the only sound was the faint 2nd floor music.  "Happy birthday Miles..."

"I'm sure you already told me that this morning and at lunch." I laughed at sat on his lap, my legs were pushing my dick on top of Logan's and I could tell he was almost there.

"Really? Was it when I got you pinned down in bed while I was pushing my...hot and hard cock into you...?  Or when you were having the 5th orgasm?" I grabbed onto Logan tighter, imagine those 2 moments.  Logan is the first time for new things.  "Yeah...I know your thinking of it Love."  Logan's hands pushed my back so that he can press my body up against is.

"Logan...I need you inside me..." I whispered in his ear and that seems to mess him up.  "Can you please push you cock inside me?" I whispered again, but soon we were in the booth and only had our dess-shirt unbutton and out boxer/pants are off.  Logan, kissed everywhere, including my lips.

"Are you ready Love?" Logan whispered, it was the only thing he could say.  "You need to stay quiet baby..." I looked into his eyes but all I did was push his lips to my neck. "I want you to make sure I don't make any noise."

"Yes daddy, I will not make any noise and make sure you don't either."

3rd person

Miles was on top of Logan.  Logan couldn't help himself.  Today was a good day because Logan actually got a divorce to his wife but have a deal set in place.  One day, he wants to come home to Miles.

Logan spit on his hand prepared Miles and with the help of Miles, Logan prepared himself.  But as soon as Logan slide right in Miles and they both forgot about the world around.

"You good baby?" Logan asked Miles.  Miles looked up to see the handsome man.  Logan was looking at Miles' face and could help my fall in love with him.  Logan wrapped his arms around Miles' tiny body.

Miles put his hand on Logan's neck and hitched is breath when he felt Logan going slower.  Miles ached his back and lean down to kiss Logan on the lips, making sure that there was no space in between them.


We are so close to the final chapter! But don't worry I am still making a second book. 

Thank you so much you guys for 12K, I don't know what to do and I am so happy that you people are enjoying this book.

Also I make a list, "The Bosses and I..." and as you can tell by this chapter, Logan got everything under control...or does he?

Much love,

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