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This book has an Affair between two men! If you have a problem with that, don't read this story.  Thank you.


When I walked into my job that I had for about 3 year, I didn't expact for me to get fired.  But here I am now, looking at a newspaper for job listings around New York.  When I finally found one that wasn't that far from my apartment and pays good, I just had to call.

Stephen's Cooperation, This is Carla speaking.  How may I help you?
Hello, my name is Miles Deven, I am calling about the job opening for the personal assistant.
Oh yes! Let me page you to Mister Stephen.

I waited a few moments, I looked over the few stories while the waiting music was playing in the background.  God, I hope I get this job.

Logan Stephen speaking.
Yes, hello Mister Stephen, I am looking at your job offer as your personal assistant.
Logan Stephen
So I heard.  When are you open so we can have the interview?
I would like it as soon as possible.  Time really isn't an issue.
Logan Stephen
Than how about today at 4?

I look at my watch really quick, 3:02pm.  I think I can make it.

That works out great.
Logan Stephan
Great! See you than.

My Boss's And I's Affair (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now