I just ignored the weird questions,
,,Um, friends with Parkinson, huh?" I don't even know why I said that. My brain just tried to change the topic and it could be everything until we are not talking about the relationship between me and Malfoy anymore.

,,Yeah but I don't like her anyway." She rolled her eyes. Something told me she was acting as if. The eye roll looked like it's fake, but yeah nevermind. After a few minutes I said that I wanted to go to sleep and went to my dorm to sleep.

,,You belong to me. Come to my side or you will regret it"

,,NEVER" I screamed

,,You will regret it" Voldemort's voice got quieter.

He disappeared and I stood at a field... alone. No one was there, until a body dropped at the ground. I was shocked and ran to the place, where the body was lying. The only thing I could recognize was a pale hand, which isn't moving at all.
I couldn't see the face of the unmoving body, but walked closer to see who it was. As I reached the body I wanted to take off the hood and-

,,Dead" someone said behind me. ,,Dead" it was a girl, that repeated herself.

I turned around and before I could see her face, she collapsed. She was obviously crying because of the dead body, that was lying in front of me. I ran towards her and rubbed her back.

,,Hey, it's ok" she looked up and- and the girl... the girl was me.

,,No, nothing will be ok." She sobbed and then disappeared.

I looked back to the spot, where the body was, but no one. He disappeared either and there was just me in the middle of a field... alone, left.

I felt my chest being empty. I literally felt nothing. It was a horrible feeling. It felt like I lost everything and everyone in my life. I was hopeless.

,,You still have the time to choose my side."


Suddenly, his wand touched my throat and I began to cry. I was lost. What should I do? No one loves me and no one will stop me or give me the advice to do the good thing. I was overwhelmed.

I sat up, sweating and breathing heavily. What are all these dreams about? I thought. Why do I keep seeing myself in my own dreams? It's terrifying.

As I got dressed, I walked to the great hall and sat down. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

,,Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept all night." Cedric sat beside me

,,Yes, um, just a nightmare." I said quickly, not wanting to talk about it.

,,What was it about." He hugged me and I burried my head in the crook of his neck. I tried to hold the tears back and bit my lips to not let out a noise, but I was unsuccessful. I sobbed into his neck and Cedric held me tighter, now rubbing my back and kissing the top of my head.

,,Shush, I'm here for you." I pulled myself back and looked him in the eyes.

,,Thank you." I smiled and he returned one. I turned back and saw a pair of grey-blue eyes looking at me. He looked worried, but I just turned back to eat.

,,Um I want to go to the bathroom." I stood up and Cedric nodded. I walked out and stopped as a cold hand held mine.

,,I'm sorry. Um, about yesterday." Malfoy aplogized, but I didn't turn to look at him.

,,It's fine." I said and pulled my hand out of his grip. ,,Wait." I turned back as I realized, that he apologized. ,,Did you- did you say sorry?' I smiled and he rubbed his neck nervousley. ,,Did I make you, Draco Malfoy apologize?" I began to chuckle quietly.

,,Really witty." He rolled his eyes.

,,whatsoever" I turned back and wanted to walk.

,,Uhm, (y/l/n)?"


,,Uh, are you okay? I mean, I saw you crying."

,,Um yes, I am. Don't worry 'bout it." Then he left without saying anything else.

As I came back, Cedric was waiting for me and before I could sit down, he held my hand and led me out of the hall.

,,Where are we going?" I smiled excited.

,,Just to our place."

As he said our, I got goosebumps. Yes, yes it was our place. Mine and his.

We just skipped every class and sat there, talking and laughing.

,,Are you scared?" I asked him after a long silence. We were lying on our back next to the lake, looking at the stars.

,,Of what?"

,,The tournament. Are you scared to fail?"

,,Uhm, I don't know. I just really hope, that I won't fail."

,,Me too." I kissed his cheek and laid back down to watch the stars. It was now midnight and I was enjoying the time with Cedric. Just a few days until the second task and I'm afraid, afraid, that something will happen to him.

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