You Deserve It

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An arm wraps securely around you like she has you in a vice grip, you sit up to be closer to her, your bodies pressed tightly against one another as she runs her fingers through your hair.

"I want you" You breathe into her chest

"Oh and I want you"  She rasps, bringing her finger under your chin & leaning to kiss you as you arch your back beneath her, her fingers trailing along your scalp

She is being sweet, you can tell it is to make you more comfortable, but, it's almost too sweet.
She has always been sweet to you, treated you kindly, but. You want real Cate, you want her exactly just how it comes natural to her & now you know she's read your stories you know you can be open with how you like things. . .

"Are you trying to take it slow?" You say, in a cheeky yet seductive tone, catching her attention instantly  "Are you trying to show me not to worry?" You ask with a grin

"What do you want baby?" Her words were abrupt, but her actions were slow & soothing, Her fingers remain massaging your scalp as she begins pressing feather light kisses to your shoulder.

"I want you to cut the worrying & do exactly what you want to do." You mumble through a kiss, your eyes squeeze shut, shocked you managed to get that out.  "I want you as you. .  .all of you" You say as you bury your face into her chest, giving shy open mouth kisses

"Oh yeah?" She says with a growl  "All of me huh?. . ." Her tone amused & devilish as hell ". . . just like in that part of  one of your stories? . . ."  you can practically hear the smirk dripping in her voice.

You dig your nails in to her hips & of course it doesn't affect her one bit, but you did it for emphasis. "You cut that out" You say, in a joking tone, you both know that the last thing you want is for her to cut it out...

She begins to use the tips of her nails on your scalp, scratching ever so slightly,  "Don't be embarrassed honey. ." Her tone exaggerated.
"I like the fact you've purred for me without even meeting me. ."  She says, as she flips your positions, somehow in one swift motion.
Cate is now laying on the bed & you are straddling her.

She throws her arms back behind her head to rest on & smirks up at you. "Now this position seems oddly familiar. ." She says cockily, with what can only be described as a 'shit-eating grin'

Somehow you're full of fire now. If she wants to play this game, then you'll fucking play.

"It does seem oddly familiar doesn't it?" You say innocently, trailing a finger around her navel slowly. Her eyes darken, her smirk grows  larger as she reaches out to place her beautiful hands on top of your thighs.

She thinks that you're going to give in to her, submit to her, but you'd be damned if you'd ever let an opportunity like this go to waste.

"You look real pretty right there, did you know that?" She asks, her head cocked to the side as she gauges your next words. She looks amazing, she always does, but just because she looks good, it doesn't mean she's going get what she thinks right away. You want her to remember this, to want it time & time again, to you want you time & time again

"You look pretty good like this too Mrs Blanchett," You say before your eyes trail off, furrowing your brows & making a frown cross your face.  "What's wrong?" She is quick to ask, her face full of confusion & concern as she begins to lean up.
You react quickly, your hand shooting out to reach to her chest & gently push her unsuspectingly back onto the mattress. Her eyes narrow in on you. She knows you tricked her & you know shes turned on but she wont do a thing just yet. She wants to see where this will go.

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