Chappie Ten (The End)

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Vegeta walked into Bulma's room, effortlessly closing the door with his foot and placing her gently on her bed. He glances around the room to see what a mess it was and made a mental note to help her out in the morning, he stares at her a little longer as the morning light started to creep in through the open window. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to comb away the thoughts too. He walks over to the window, draws the curtain and walks out with his hands stuffed in his pocket. 

The things he felt for a human, confused him greatly, he thinks that a little distance will help both him and her but he's not sure enough to try it. He glances one last time before closing the door and heads straight downstairs to get something healthy to drink, he won't be able to sleep tonight after all this. 

Bulma snaps her eyes open after the door closed, letting out a sigh. Her lips slightly twitch from the sadness at first, but soon after she stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom to puke all the party vibes out. (Never vibe too hard at a party guys, if you do, don't drive and have a trusted friend to have your back. Aight ? aight. I love you peeps, stay safe)

Vegeta stared out into the ocean, admiring the display laid in front of him. He leaned back on his hands, sitting on the rooftop of the highest building he could find and the closest to a water source. He wanted to see the sun light sparkle reflect on the water during the sun rise, he wanted to be left alone, he needed time. 


Bulma woke up with the messiest bed hair she ever had, you know messy ? make it MESSIER ! It was that messy. She tried to comb it down but, nothing can tame that mess, maybe water .....and probably clippers to prevent any messiness from spreading and then people will have to wear wigs instead of face masks. 

She crawled out of her bed and into her bathroom, taking a long warm shower. Vegeta made his way upstairs, upon hearing nothing from inside he knocked lightly, only to hear silence. Figuring she might be asleep, he went back downstairs into the kitchen to get her something to eat when she wakes up, she must be pretty hung over. 

(Author-senpai eating peanut butter and jam as break~)

He placed food and drink onto a tray and heads back upstairs, he knocks on the door again hoping she'll answer this time. 

Bulma blow dries her hair and steps into her bedroom wrapped in a towel, she hears a second set of knocks and opens the door to see her mom. Since everyone else are at work around this time, she creaked it open but saw Vegeta instead looking to the left side. Vegeta snapped out of his day dream of something moving outside and brought his attention to Bulma who still seemed pretty out. 

Vegeta glances down and immediately looks away, feeling the heat on his cheeks and ears. Bulma squints through the brightness outside and realizes it's Vegeta and slams her door shut. Frozen for a minute before internally screaming and blushing behind the scenes. 

"It seems I came at the wrong time, I'll come later", Vegeta speaks out embarrassed, at the other side of the door. "I'll put the food down here for you" 

"Wait Vegeta" she creaks the door open again, feeling her headache throb at the sunlight. "Give me a minute". Vegeta nods and she quickly turns back and rushes through her clothes looking for something to ear and furiously calming her hair down.  

Vegeta waited patiently outside, wondering why it feels like deja vu. Bulma quickly opens the door to let him in and moved back to avoid contact with the light. Vegeta softly stepped in, handing her a glass of hang over juice he was recommended to make by Bulma's mom. He set the plate down on her bedside table and placed his hand on his hips, looking around. 

"Why does your room seem like a mess every time I come here?" Bulma ignored it as she chugged on the drink and then groaned at the bitter drink. "I'll help you clean up, a messy room is a sign of messy thoughts" (not forgetting her messy hair XD) 

Bulma sits on her messy bed, staring at Vegeta. She was too tried to argue with him, she just wanted to be left alone for a bit but she didn't want to push him away with her frustrated behaviour, she was puzzled at this new side of him. The soft side ? 

"Bulma, I need to clear things out with you" Saying this made Vegeta uncomfortable, but he needed to say it. This statement caught Bulma off guard too because she never had a saiyan become serious about something other then fighting. 

"What is it Vegeta ?" She asks softly, concerned. 

"I have been thinking about it but, ever since that accident I had in the training chamber. Seeing you beside me as I laid unconscious sparked a curiosity in me that I don't usually welcome" He picks up papers from the round, stacking them up and placing them on her crowded table. He lets out a sigh, turning around to meet her eyes. "I don't know what's going to happen next. I've no where to go, no where I belong but somehow I have these feelings I can't get over with. The more I ignore it the more it grows stronger" 

Bulma remains silent, unable to understand what is going on because this doesn't feel like the usual Vegeta she always mingles with and she's still adjusting to the world. 

"I think I have feelings for you woman, I can't deny that now. I want to try getting to know you more rather than trying to know you from afar. I want you to be mine and mine alone" He falls silent, waiting for any sign of rejection, but he isn't getting any sign at all. So he avoids eye contact and lets out a frustrated sigh, he glances at the window before heading to the door. 

"I'll leave you with your thoughts and time, I don't want to rush into things either. I'm also leaving you with your mess, that's your problem now" he walks out, as soon as the door shuts he grabs his chest and lets out a gasp. (He did it ya'll XD)

Bulma blushes the deepest shade of red, finally understanding the cute yet dominating proposal. She lets out a smile, scratching her head and looking blissfully at her window before realizing there's a girl climbing through. 

"Woah, who tf are you !?" Bulma marches towards the girl halfway through and shocked to the core. 

"He....he was so sweet~" She moans out, "I need a man like him, I love him~" She stumbles through and ran to the door. 

"Hold up !" Bulma grabs her hair, pulling her closer. "Aren't you that little brat I saw in the mall, how did you get here?" 

She struggles against her death grip, whining at the pain. "Ira finds love, Ira gets love" 

"No !" Bulma drags her to the window and kicks her out through it, she screams as she falls to her death. Unfortunately, she doesn't. Vegeta was passing by, trying to investigate the unfamiliar noise he heard before going to Bulma. 

He saw a girl falling out of Bulma's window, and quietly turned around to leave because that's a whole other business he doesn't want to get into. Ira lands on a bush, dizzy and the frog hops near the bush, still waiting for that kiss she refuses to give but come on Ira, give the man/alien/frog a kiss~

\\(0~0)// ~~

Hey guys it's been a while hasn't it ? I know its been a long time and I'm sorry. To be honest, I was having a writers block, and I was losing interest in dragon ball z anime and losing interest in romantic things. I also got busy with life, which is a poor excuse but it's trueeeeeeeee

Thank you for sticking around for so long, and having hope for this fanfic to update. I was really happy about this book before, but now I don't know anymore. I'm really happy that I made a lot of people happy through this writing and you guys enjoyed my attempts in joking around in here XD

This story ends here because I've been taking too long to update, and I don't want my cuties to keep waiting on me. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey, placing this fanfic in a good spotlight lol. I might work on another dragon ball series which I shifted into draft a month ago but I can't guarantee it. For now this is the end. 

Thank you for sticking till here, you're amazing and have a good year. 

P.s 2020 never happened. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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