chapter 1

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it was around the middle of the day and the class of 2c1 had technology. two boys sat beside eachother, they were called victor and lucas.
they were sitting there, looking at color codes cause in tech they literally teach some random shit lmao 👁🦶
but suddenly victor stared into lucas's eyes and said to him "hey babygorl, take yo glasses off i wanna see dem smexc eyes 😏"
lucas blushed. "u-uwu senpai stawp flirting with me uwuwuuwuowow!!!!1!1!🥺💞"
victor was bold. he pulled lucas in and took off his glasses. he saw some pretty tasty lookin eyes. victor smirked as lucas uwued shyly.
"victor senpai, n-not in front of the class!!! 🥺💞 im already busy playing gacha life!!!! uwuwuwuu"
victor backed up. "ok baby, if u say so 😏🦶👹💃"
but after class, some spicy stuffs happened.

to be continued...

victor x lucas love story ❤️ (non fiction)Where stories live. Discover now