Chapter 4

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They push me back to my room after a couple of hours. An allergic reaction was the cause if it. Once again I pass the boys room. I put my hand up again, but this time victorious. They cheer back. I laugh at them.

Cotu and Saddie bombard me when I get there. "Are you okay?" "What happened?" "What was it?" "Do you feel okay now?" And on and on. I just shrug at it like a causality.
"Oh as I passed the boys room again and I stuck up a hand victoriously they all cheered!" I say laughing. They laughed too. I hear the door open and turn to see who.
"Hello. I am all if yours doctors. I think it's time for you to start some therapy and start walking" a doctor says flatly. I look at Cori. She smiling and hopeful. Ready to get up and at them. Ready to have a but of our freedom restored.

Then at Saddie. Nervous but happy. She puts on a brave face, saying ' Yea, I'm ready ' but look likes she actually feels, ' Umm sure? '.

I sit there staring at him with a grin. Once I walk I can finally see the rest if this hospital besides this crowded room.

"Okay. Try to move your feet. Stop when you feel pain." he says. I know your probably thinking, why would we need to do this. We didn't break our ankles.
But actually 2 out the 6 of us did. Xavier and Saddie. 3 of us, Cori, Carter, and I slightly sprained it. Not that much though. Haydeen's ankle is fine but after not moving for a couple weeks we all need this.
I move me feet in circles. Up and down. Side to side. They don't hurt except for the occasional pain that only lasts for about a second. Then it's gone. I whence whenever it does. But then it's gone, and I'm fine.
After about a hour or two of warm ups we stand walk around a little. I have a tiny limp. The others, except Haydeen, have real limps.
We'll still need to come here almost everyday. To run, skip, jump. There's more than just walking.
So we can officially walk now. We still have other injuries. I have a cut in my side, a cut in my face, of course both are almost fully healed, a cast on my arm, and a concussion. But it's enough. Enough that in 2 weeks all of us will be heading back to that prison so called School.
I walk over to the hospital cafeteria. Cori and Carter are with me. They started being love birds about a week ago ( XD I Had to ) leaving me as a third wheel. Thank fully Sadie also tagged along. I talk to her about what we think will happen when we get back. Who and who must've got back together. Who fought who. And all that drama.
We sit down quietly. Cori whispers something into Carter's ear and he smiles and whispers something back. Me and Saddie fake gags. They look at us hatefully before continuing their love fest. Yuk!
After grabbing some food and practically sealing it full we go to the lounge, only to find..........

The yellow busWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt