Chapter One-Part Two

Comenzar desde el principio

      "Poor Karim." Asher added on, along with Alyssa, her tone pitiful,

      "Poor Karim's kids."

      "He is a leader in his community. But you don't have to take my word for it. Take theirs." Wes motioned towards the people in the court that were ready to advocate for Karim.

      "The fifteen people who've come to attest to the upstanding character of my client."

      Asher crossed his arms, mumbling, "Okay, he's kind of killing it."

      "Each person you see here has their own story of his selflessness, generosity, good citizenship, and above all, his integrity."

      As Wes continued his speech, the doors to the courtroom burst open and in stormed a determined Michaela. Karmen tsked.

      "She's so predictable."

      Whatever Michaela found out was good enough for a break to be called so that the group could meet in the hallway to discuss. Pratt dove into an explanation almost immediately.

      "I was thinking about the drug charge, how if we could prove Karim's public defender provided ineffective assistance of counsel—"

      "Hey, that was my idea." Asher intervened, sounding offended.

      "Except you didn't go to the public defender to record him saying this." Michaela spat, holding up her phone. Her voice came through not a second later.

      "Did you or did you not tell your client that pleading guilty would cost him his green card?"

      "I'm saying I don't know!" 

      The recording stopped, and Michaela went on,

      "He doesn't remember. But Padilla v. Kentucky says defense attorneys must advise clients about risks of deportation when pleading guilty."

      "Mr. Drake you're out." Annalise started off by saying. The kid balked.

      "What?" Karmen smirked at the look on his face. How she wanted to laugh.

      "Ms. Pratt just turned this case on its head. Bonnie, you take my place. Ms. Athans, with me." She masked her face in stone, hoping that nobody caught the question in her eyes. Why would Annalise want to take her?

      "You two, stall." Annalise ordered before marching off, Karmen on her tail. They made it to an office where a man, his face already contorted in stress, sat with files all around him. Annalise played the recording right after they greeted each other. When it was done, Annalise said,

      "Sign the motion to vacate, and I'll be out of your hair."

      "He said 'I don't know'. That doesn't mean he didn't tell your client." The man shook his head.

      "It also doesn't mean he did." Karmen argued, a false smile plastered on her face.

      "I need my boss to sign off on it, and let's face it Annalise, he's not about to help you after all the crap you put us through this year."

      Annalise inhaled deeply before starting off into a rant. Karmen zoned out accidentally, her mind wandering to court. How were Michaela and Wes holding up?

      "This is what we'll do. Drop the original charge to possession only. You get your guilty plea, but it's a misdemeanor now. That way, my client has a chance of remaining with his family. Everyone wins."

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