Chapter 1-Myth of the well

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Winslow,a very known district of Arizona in the U.S carries the beginning of this story.There are talks about a well very oftenly and many rumours about why Mr.Ben don't allow anyone to come near that well ,What is so special about it . The well is just attatched to the wall of Mr. Ben's house.Mr. Ben always say everyone that the well is harmful and whosoever goes near it will die .When people asks him that why is it harmful, He always ignored and just walked away. Mr.Ben was the only oldest man at that place who know everything about Winslow .

Someday two children of around 6-7 years got very curious  about the well and tried to go near the well to find out what is harmful in that well while playing hide and seek with their friends.Mr. Ben saw both of them and shouted "you little shortminded" , and ran behind both of them with a thick stick in hand . They both got scared of him and ran away .Mr. Ben can't catch them as he was very old and couldn't walk properly due to the pain in his legs,but,he recognized faces of those two children . Next morning he went to houses of both of them with a complaint that your childern tried to reach the well , Mr. Ben said    "That well is harmful and whosoever wants to die can go near it or jump in it i don't care but it's attatched to my house , so if something happened to anybody , i would be the one people will blame ".
Saying this to their parents he went away . Mr. Ben decided to cover up the well with boundaries so that it will be hidden from everyone's eyes after it . When people got to know that the well has been covered with boundaries they thought that its useless to talk about it because now no one can go there .The only way to go near the well was through Mr.Ben's house now and he don't allow anyone enter in his house untill or unless the person is very close to him .

Mrs.Jhonson was the only one close to him as she is daughter of one of his family relatives . Mrs.Jhonson is 52 years old women and she shifted to Winslow after her marriage ,but her husband is no more and he died of cancer. She has no children and lives with her fulltime working maid .She holds her  shop of printing works for the earning . When something usefull related to Mr.Ben comes to her she gets to visit his home.She also oftenly used to meet him to acknowledge his health status as she was the only one very close to him at Winslow.

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