Part 2

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*Two hours later (it's early evening)*

(Behind the scenes of the dare when Peter fell into the ocean that was home to a bloom of Irakanji jellyfish)

Vinnie: 😑

Me: 😑

Kenny: (the camera guy) *sighs with a facepalm* Okay guys, let's take it from the top.

Peter: But I don't want to fall in the ocean. I actually caught a cat-sized cold last time and had to stay in bed for more than a few days! 😕

Kenny: *groans in annoyance* Just freakin' do it already! 😤

Peter: No! You can't make me! 😖

Kenny: *uses magic wand and turns Peter into his panther form and then picks him up and takes him to the edge of the ship's balcony*

Peter: *tries to squirm his way out of it* P-please don't—


Eli: Hey guys, what's going on?

*Eli sees that Kenny had just threw her beloved mate into the ocean*

Eli: OMG! *speed walks over to the ship's balcony* Why in the name of KISSteria did you throw my Petey-Bear into the ocean?! 😱

Kenny: Because it's for the script! We have to follow it or we'll all gonna be behind schedule! Why don't you people get it?! 😠

Ace: Um...aren't they're supposed to be those weird-looking fish swimming in the water, curly?

Me: You mean the "Irakanji jellyfish"?

Ace: ⁉️

Me: ⁉️

Ace: HOLD ON BUDDY! I'm gonna get ya outta there! *rushes over to the captain's room and grabs a ring-shaped floatie and a life jacket to wear*

Vinnie: Be careful Ace! Emily has told me plenty of stories about those deadly animals and the thought of it gives me nightmares.


Ace: Don't ya worry Vinnie, I ain't gonna go near em'!

*Ace Frehley swims past the bloom (that's what a group of jellyfish is called) of the Irakanji jellyfish and then he finds Peter soaking wet and shivering like a little puppy*

Peter: Thanks a lot man, I owe you a lot.

Ace: Aw, that's okay. You're my best friend, Peter. And best friends care about each other.

*Once Ace was finally able to climb up and bring Peter back on board the ship, the poor Catman was all wet from head to toe*

*Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Vinnie Vincent, and even Eric Carr helped them out with lifting them up using a strong piece of rope*

*The first Catman sneezed like a tiny kitten every now and then*

Eli: I'm going to give that camera man named Kenny a piece of my mind once you're all better my Petey-Bear.

Peter: No, no. Don't say that. He's probably just stressed out over all this behind-the-scenes stuff that we're all doing for Emily's Truth Or Dare With KISS book series. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't trying to throw me into the ocean while in my panther form on purpose. It's all on the script.

Eli: *sighs sadly* I know Peter I know. I was just worried and when I saw that Kenny had thrown you in the water with all those venomous jellyfish, I was scared that you were gonna get stung.

Peter: *smiles and then nuzzles Eli's cheek, despite feeling miserable* I understand.

Behind The Scenes Of: Truth Or Dare With KISSWhere stories live. Discover now