Party hardly?

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Two days after seeing Benny last, Beth is leaving for Kentucky again. So I decided we should have a get together with some friends. Beth agreed hesitantly, but I convinced her because I said I was gonna miss her when she left. So I invited beths only friends in New York Benny and a model named Cleo to the party.

"Ok, so everything is set up, tea is brewed, chess board for you and Benny is set up. Chicken cordon bleu is finished and the asparagus."

"I don't like asparagus" said Beth scrunching her nose.

"Sorry it's all I had on hand. I need to go shopping but moneys a little tight ya know?"

"You know I can help you if you ever need help. Hell my house gets lonely at times. It seems dead."

"I know Beth, I just have my job here and I love it at the old folks home."

It's true I need a change but my job as a nurse is important. I don't want to leave my clients, I really care about everyone who comes through. It's hard to say goodbye. Beth turns her attention to the door as I'm placing everything on my dining room table.

"Makayla!, Benny and Cleo are here." Beth yells out

I look up and see a very beautiful woman walk through the door. "Damn" I think to myself. She's really cute in a sad kind of way.

"Hello!, my names Makayla." I  say shaking her hand

"It's nice to meet you, and what a lovely home you got. It's better than Bennys, which isn't saying much." She laughs

" hey my house is practical, I'm not one to hoard junk." He retorts

" then explain that couch in your living room!, now THATS junk."

Everyone laughs.

"What do you have against my couch Makayla?" He says pretending to be hurt

"It's just ugly" I say smiling cutely

The night continues and Benny and Beth get right to playing chess... of course; meanwhile Cleo and I begin drinking and talking of her travels and the famous people she's met. After a while, the alcohol begins to take affect on me. Benny started drinking after my fifth shot and 2nd beer. Cleo is puking in the bathroom and Beth helps her by holding her hair back. Benny and I were alone in the living room sitting on my couch.

"See Benny, this is a couch"

"Yeah, I guess so. It would be nice to have something longer so I can lay on my own couch."

"You could lay on this one." Benny looks at me funny. "Wait, no not like that. I mean like, you could lay down right now to test it out. See if you want to get a bigger couch" I say blushing.

"You totally are flirting with me." Benny says smirking and leaning in closer

"What?, no why would I like YOU space cowboy." I say pushing him away

"Space cowboy?. You're starting to give me pet names too?. Makayla just admit it, you like me."

Those last three words come out in a low growling voice. Beth comes out suddenly and says that she's on her way to the airport.

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