Chapter 8 - Entering Ena and Friends

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"Ena-san!" Blue said to the girl who now walking towards us with her hands still on her hips and a smile on her

("So her name is Ena")I thought before looking at her who is now in front side of both of us

"I'm glad that you two are okay, a senior explore is my job to make sure my juniors are okay and okay," Ena said with a proud voice while putting her fist hand on her chest and raising her head high with her eye close

("So she is our senior explore")

And I think Blue gives me a glance before turning back to Ena with a nervous expression but didn't notice by Ena who still feeling proud of herself for what she said

and then Blue quickly wipe off that expression on his face when Ena has put down her hands before looking at us

"Hmm...but it seems you two are okay so I'II go no- wait both of  you are," Ena said while she looks at us up and down before a smug or Lenny's face was on her face with a smirk along with it

"Hehehe....looks like something has happened between you two, I'm sorry for intruding on you two," Ena said putting her hands on her, trying to cover her smirk before turning around before she leaves she turns back at us with a smirk on her and saying "Have fun you two"

and then she left

I wonder what all about and what does she mean by that

So I glance towards Blue who is chuckling nervously before looking at me with a tired smile on his face while rubbing the back of his hair before reaching a hand in front of me

"Shall we go?" He asks with his tried smile still on his face

I stared at him for a moment before nodding why head and grab his hand

And Blue lead both of us out of this place while our hands are still holding one and another

Once we made it outside, we saw many people who are line up with their partner

("So this is the rest of the people who passed their final test" ) I thought while looking at the number of people and then I notice some four people look towards us  and wave at us in signaling us that they save a place for us in the line, and also Ena one them, who was standing near them from behind

Blue smiled at those who wave at us and started to walk towards them while I follow him from behind with our hands still link to each other

"Man, what took you two so long," The girl said who has a little light brown hair and with purple tips on the bottom, and she is a little deep purple

She has light white wings on her back and accessories on her head is also wings

her clothes kinda look like armor from heavens armor in which is SRA on the store and also it's very expensive

The armor was colored with light white and gold along with pinkish-purple on some tips on it or side of the armor

her weapon is a staff

The staff design is base on her light wings accessories on her back on both sides of the staff while the middle is a red circle with a sharp-pointed spear on the top and the side of it

and it seems that she has no partner with her or have one but I think she can manage herself on her own

"Yeah, we are getting a little worried for you two to get out because you two took really long in there but seeing you guys here in a good condition without any injuries from the test, I think that's a good sign that you two are okay," the other one said while looking at us with a smile on her face

Her little bit of dark brown hair was straight and short on the front while the back hair is a small amount of long hair, and also it's being held up in a ponytail style 

And the accessory on hair is three petals of a pink flower with a green base in holding them together with gold on the middle on the side front of the hair in front

Her armor is base on a white rose knight style with gold roses flower design were patterned on the armor on the front and the side, and gold line and curves along with it

The weapon that she uses is a staff 

and also she has a partner/yome with her unlike the first one who doesn't have one 

Her partner is a boy with hair of light brown, the  style of his hair is short curly hair and his eyes were dark blue 

He has the same armor as his partner and also uses a staff just like hers

The staff was colored gold with a huge  red gemstone on the middle of the staff with a sharp crossed point on the top

he also has an accessory of a clingy bunny on his leg 

his sword was made with crystalized harp gems and it's colored in a bright blue turquoise

I guessing that one of them is a healer and attacker

"Haha....about that" Blue started while he slowly glances towards me with a worried expression across his face

["Is he going to tell them that I lost some memories because I don't remember them at all"]
I thought while staring at them like they are some kinda new species

"Hey are you keep on staring at us as you meet us the first time tina," The girl with light brown hair with purple tips on the hair said

staring at me with a questioning look on why I am silent and same with the others, and I just keep on staring at them

"Um about-" before Blue could start to explain

The leader knight from the cave came out

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