Chapter 6 - The battle to the death

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"......Stay strong!......... Ok....!"

(That voice....)

My eye's flicker when I heard it

"Once more, open your eyes.........please!"

My eye's flicker more when I heard it again

The voice was begging me to wake up and kinda saw  a person, who I think it's a male kneeling down by my side when my still halfway open and my sight is still blurry


I heard a monster \monos roar and also another voice from someone but it's different from the first one who called me

"Don't get distracted by them or you are going to get it next time!" The other voice said with a tone of command on it "Focus on defeating the monsters/monos! If we can defeat it then the king will acknowledge us!"

I think it's was talking to the first voice that I heard earlier 

"The monster/monos.... is coming I must protect-!" before the first voice that I heard from earlier could finish his words 

I am now on my feet and stood off the ground with my eye's finally has it's a clear vision 

I saw a person with blue hair facing in the other direction where I think that location where the monsters were located 

His head quickly snap forward towards me when I think he felt someone is looking behind him 

and he went wide in shock when he saw me wide awake and now standing 

"Eh!? You should be why are yo-" *Roar!* he was caught off by another roar from the monster/monos and by the looks of the monster/monos is pretty angry at the solider who is attacking both of us saw a solider being fling to the other side with a loud *Thumb!*before the solider body falls to the ground and knock unconscious before looking towards the monster? monos 

The monster/Monos looks like a big bear with a baby red bear on its pouch and both of them has straps on white on beneath and upper part of their body 


The monster/monos let another roar that it seems it was please on it did to the solider that he fling towards the other

"That's right... if we could defeat them" He started before I could ask what going on, turn his head towards me with a determined face while both his hands curl up into a fist and look me into the eye " then the two of us can defeat it" he finished while putting both of his hand on his side 

I keep on looking at his blue eye's that filled with determination to defeat the monster on the side 

"In this way, we can do it!" The person with the blue hair said 

So I nod my head before drawing out the sword, which I think I got from that dream that felt so real 

"Okay, let's do this," He said 

but look at him with an unsure look on my face but then he suddenly put his hand on my face and said "what? It's our oath as partners, come on and let's do this" before drawing out his weapon and face the monster/mono

both us went to battle mode position and monster/monos look at us with imitating look on its face same with the little one on it pouch while it's swing it's paws  aggressively in front of us 

"Look it's here towards us, be ready," He said turning his face towards mine" Don't get nervous okay?"

Since when I'm nervous in a fight a monster/monos even if my memories are in the huge gap right now

I can still fight any monster/monos without getting nervous because that was my instinct are telling me the first fight in a dream that felt so real before I was awakened again  to see this 

"When I use lighting on the battle, please use your skill called "Vertical Edge" in attack the enemy in front of us," He said " also we have to match our feelings out loud by yelling my name"

"huh?" I said because I don't what he might by that 

I swear his face side check turn red before shaking his head " um.... never mind on what I said"

"Uh okay?" I said while my left eyebrow raise a bit on this but never mind because all it matters is defeating the enemy in front of us right 

The monster/monos name is Fukoro bear and its hp is 100 while I and my partner hp are 150

Both of us dodge the first attack when it tried to tackle both of us, my partner quickly took and advantage of it and keeps firing lighting magic on it and not giving it a chance to attack us again

but the damage of each attack of lighting is  0 and weak, and that didn't cause  any hp damage on it 

I was about to use my skill in damaging it but I remember my partner word he would yell at me when I was about to strike 

So I keep on focusing my energy on my sword while I activating my skill called "Edge vertical"

after more than 10 hits for the lighting that gives my partner towards the monster/monos 

"Now!" he yelled at me to do it 

So I did 

I unleash the power that keeps on focusing on my sword and slashes towards the monster/monos

the  strike was so powerfully that cause 360 damage points towards and causing it to fall into its feet into the ground while the little tried to shake the big one up but all sudden they turn into light dust particle just those monster/monos in my dream 

And with that, both of us knew that we won the battle 

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