Tagged #3

27 1 2

So I was tagged by CoolCat_K  so here we go!

2. Sierra

3. Softball - played for six years then had to quit

4. SomeRedCloneTrooper - He is the best ☺️

5. My mama

6.  Cat or Cate Cate

7.  Neither 🤣

8.  She/Her

9.  On here yes, in real life? Nope!

10.  Yes - my mom and dad is proof - R.I.P. Daddy 😢

11. I don't think I really have any, unless don't invade my space counts?

12. Yes, I am very emotional 😢🤗🥰

13. Ohmysweetgoodness and How Rude!

14. Hehehe - Not gonna happen .. sorry 😅

15. I don't really do pictures

16. Halloween

17. Hmm don't know about that one ...

18. Hmm I think either my mom or SomeRedCloneTrooper  or --QueenOfHell--  because they are always there for me and they help me through stuff like when my dad passed away. Also ShadowNight374  as well.

19. Hmmmmmmm idk tbh ... I've had difficulties opening up to people and I've also been hurt before and so like I don't really know ...

20. Also don't know 20 people but will tag a few


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