Ride a White Swan

Start from the beginning

"Seriously, Flint. Bug off."

"No. I don't think I will." He grinned.

"Do we have a problem here?" George flew up to them, narrowing his eyes.

Marcus smirked. "I was just about to teach the mudblood here a little lesson about respecting her superiors, but now I get to teach the blood traitor, too. Splendid."

"Watch who you call blood traitors, Flint." Alicia flew up beside George.

"Ah, another mudblood. Sorry, Spinnet. Weasley. You two aren't as much my type... I'd much rather play with little Florence here. Isn't it lovely how she grew over the summer? If you know what I mean." Flint jeered, licking his lips. Elodie could feel herself shrink at his words.

George growled. "You stay away from her, Flint."

"Players! Off the field, NOW! And brooms in the shed!" Madame Hooch yelled up at them before Marcus had a chance to respond. The four of them unwillingly lowered themselves onto the grass, scowling.

Madame Hooch walked up to the Gryffindors, sighing. "You three had better go on to the Hospital Wing, now. Potter's had his bones removed."

"He's what?" Elodie choked.

"Yes, that Professor Lockhart did it. Not that you could really call him a professor. The standards for that job get lower every year." She added under her breath.


The Hospital Wing was packed with Harry's friends and teammates, and Alicia, George, and Elodie had just shoved their way to the front when Harry tried to swallow the Bone Regrowing serum, spitting it out on Elodie's robes.

"Thanks, Potter." She laughed.

"Ah, sorry about that, Els." Harry winced.

"Where were you lot?" Fred asked curiously. Elodie sent a glare in his direction.

"I think Flint was either trying to bully Elodie, or hit on her. I really couldn't tell." Alicia snorted.

Groans came from their teammates. Fred was dead silent. He chanced a sympathetic look at Elodie, but it came off more as a glare.

"But who cares about me, Harry, what happened?" Elodie raised her eyebrows at his arm. It looked a bit like a deflated balloon animal.

Harry launched into the story of the rouge bludger, his arm breaking, Hermione blowing up the bludger ("Those are expensive, Hermione!" Oliver scowled.), Lockhart removing his bones, and the extensive regrowing process.

"I'm so sorry, Harry!" Was all Alicia managed to stutter.

But George looked highly impressed. "Okay, but Harry got by with catching the Snitch with a broken arm. Wicked, mate!" He exclaimed. Harry managed a weak smile.

"Poppy, if you add peppermint and pumpkin to the draught it might taste better, and it wouldn't affect it all that much." Elodie recommend the healer.

"Well, let's hope you're as sharp as your father when it comes to potions, or Mr. Potter here is in for one hell of a night." Madame Pomfrey shook her head, taking the draught to a back room. "And don't call me Poppy!" She called after her.

"Thanks, Elodie." Harry smiled.

"Don't thank me, I just didn't want you to spit it out over me again." She joked.

"Come on, lot. Potter needs rest." Katie reminded her team. They reluctantly said their goodbyes, leaving Madame Pomfrey to tend to Harry.

Shouts of "Nice win, Harry!" and "You're the best, Potter!" followed them out of the room.

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