"I see well I'll leave you two be" i say then walk out turn throw sarge in there and lock him in

Caboose: that lady looks familiar

"What do you mean now" I ask

Caboose: I'm pretty sure wash put her to sleep huh THAT MEANS SHE WOKE UP

"O k then" I say then walk away from caboose I walk down to the loading dock again to make sure everything is fine and no one is there I then look around for signs of people to talk to but everyone is gone from the area I walk up to the bridge and find López and tex

Where is everyone else i ask

Tex: tucker and Simmons are down in the training hall as for your sister she went to a room to get some sleep and as for who is left i Don't know

I know where the others are don't worry i say as I sit down

López: so grif Simmons told me about that attack how did you go from lazy to badass

"Like I told everyone else I go off instinct" I say

Tex: ok so explain how instinct let's you fight like the best freelancer to exist

"Stop asking me because why would I know i literally have been confused this whole time seriously if I knew I'd give you a solid answer so stop fucking asking me" I yell then walk off

Sarge: there you are it took me an hour but I've gotten out now I'll kick your ass for locking me in the medical bay

"You had company so stop yelling at me" I say

Sarge: well yeah talking to someone smart for once was nice but still you didn't need to lock me in there it took me to long to pick the lock

"So what it's not my problem" I say and walk past him

Sarge: well I guess it's not ... ... ... WAIT WHAT JUST HAPPENED

I was already out of sight I walk in a room then lock it and take off my suit then pass out on the bed

Somewhere on a unknown planet

???: I hope you all know why brought you here

???: we are your top assassins boss

Boss: correct agent York

The yellow suited former freelancer steps into the light

York: so why call us here

Boss: simple a former friend of yours is trying to revive the one who gave me this scar

York: you mean someone is trying to bring back agent California boss that's impossible no one even knows the location of his corpse nor how to properly bring the dead back if they were killed in any way other than stabbing

Boss: he never died he was found shortly after his supposed death by a mother and her daughter my men watched them take them to a hospital they found he lost his memory so we left him be

The boss throws some photos on the table and the other 17 assassins come into view the pictures have several pictures of grif but also sarge, caboose, Simmons, López, donut, Washington, tucker, López,and even sister but the one that got Yorks eyes was Carolina

???: I'll take pinky over there

Boss: that is donut he's a threat even if he doesn't act like it you sure you can handle him cobra

Cobra: yes he will be easy to kill

York: ill take Carolina

Boss: are you sure you don't want the main threat York

York: I want revenge on Carolina so I'll deal with her don't worry

???: ill deal with California don't worry boss-man

Boss: I've told you before don't call me that agent Detroit

Detroit: what ever you say boss-man

???: this blue guy looks like fun I might make him my play toy

Boss: Lilith don't you dare caboose there needs to be dealt with by someone a bit more skilled

Lilith: buzz kill ill go after him no matter what

???: sister I'll help since he's that dangerous

Boss: saitan fine as long as you attack as a duo you both can take him

The assassins take the photo of who they will fight and walk out then the boss stares out a window as a devilish smirk appears on his face as his assassins go to hunt the reds and blues

Thats it for the chapter I hope you enjoyed I've enjoyed writing it Taking the perspective of grif going through this is fun since there is always something funny i can have him say but writing with the rvb cast in general is fun and over the next chapters I know I'll have alot of fun and I hope you all enjoy reading it

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