chapter 1

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I wake up and look around it's been a year since Carolina and Washington were put in a coma since then sarge has taken charge he isn't a bad leader but i still give him as much bullshit as possible Simmons has been visiting Carolina and Wash often but there attack was brutal caboose is caboose my sister is at the moment good friends with tucker but im starting to get worried that tucker will try something lopez and donut have been gone the past couple days because they found someone who can finally fix Lópezs voice

I walk out and down stairs then look at Simmons

Simmons: oh hello grif how are you

"I'm good just looking for sarge have you seen him" i say to well my only friend

Simmons: he's in the training room with caboose

"Ok well I'll see you later" i say and walk to the training room i see caboose sparing sarge the two seem to be in a stand still

Sarge: I'll beat you dirty blue

Caboose stands there looking confused then is hit by sarge the match ends there as the winner is declared sarge

Sarge: well would you look at that haha well caboose good spare

"Hey sarge I need to talk to you" i say to him

Sarge: shut the fuck up grif

A explosion comes from upstairs and we go to look we see 20 to 30 armed men out side simmons runs from the armory and throws caboose his gun hands sarge his shot gun and me my grenade launcher then pulls a old friend's gun out church's sniper rifle

"Where the fuck did you get that" I ask him

Simmons: I kept on to it since church died as a memory of him

I look out side side the men pull up two tanks along with a ship containing 40 more men

Sarge: its a good day to die dont you think

"Agreed" i say then rush the enemy i cut ones head off then stab another one in the gut i shoot killing 5 more simmons snipes the ones in the tanks with perfect accuracy one knocks my grenade launcher from my hands then I get into a fist fight with him i ultimately win after snapping his neck

Sarge: since when can your lazy ass fight like that grif

"I-i dont know it's just instinct" i say completely confused but I keep fighting

Caboose shoots 8 with his aim bot I mean freckles adjusting his aim i grab a knife and kill 3 more men but then i get hit right in the nuts i try and crawl away but get grabbed and dragged twards the ship but I grab my grenade launcher and cut the bastards arm off then finish the guy off by stabbing him in the chest then i see caboose kill about 10 more

Guy: we were told this would be easy everyone retreat

They run and get onto the ship they get about 400 to 500 ft away before I finish them by shooting a grenade into the engine of the ship blowing the whole thing up i look behind me at the carnage most of the bodys were from me and caboose but I don't know how I killed so many I just went by instinct and I won each fight I look at my hands complete confused

Simmons: you did great out there grif

Sarge: for once I'm actually happy that i have you on my team

Caboose: wow grif you put them all to sleep

We all look at caboose wondering if he doesn't know the concept of death either way i go back to trying to figure out what happened

Sarge: so grif how about we train to learn if i can still kick your ass

"I'm good i just need some more sleep I'll do it later" i say then head to my room i start to get images in my eye sight in them I see Carolina fighting me but I'm winning somehow I get another image of a girl a young girl she's smiling at me but I've never seen any of this before i get to my room and throw of my helmet onto the ground and sit down to see the last image a person in a brown suit running from me through a door i stand infront of a panel looking down i for some reason hit reactor melt down on it and then I'm engulfed in a explosion I look around these weird images stopped showing after that last one for today at least I get up and look at the time I'm starving so i head down stairs and into the kitchen but I find a strange letter on the counter it says to dexter grif so I open it

"Grif you might not remember me when you get this but you need remember who you are you aren't a red like you think nor should you be considered apart of that fake war project free Lancer made i want to meet you there are the coordinats on the back to find me your only allowed to bring two people if you bring anyone for now I'll leave you goodbye my old friend"

The letter stops there I reread it wondering who made this letter for a second i think it's sarge trying to fuck with my mind but it's not his hand writing i think for long hard minute then that girl pops into my head it might he her but im not sure either way I'll have to go and find out so I grab a slice of pizza eat it then walk into the lobby i see López and donut standing in there

"you two are back good now i need your help López" I say and grab the robot then I find simmons and grab him we go to our space ship and get everything set up then I put in the coordinate that was given to me and we head out

Simmons: grif do you want to explain why we are doing this

López: I would like to know that to

"Ok i got a letter with coordinates saying to go there they say they know something about me not even i know about so I need to find out about it" i say as we take off

López: so were are we even going

"The location these coordinates take us" i say then think about who that girl was I look into space then exhail here we go i think to myself then I put yhe ship on auto pilot and take a nap

a secret no one should haveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें