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Chance and Austin each grabbed one of the boys who were still crying to help calm them down. Rob took Savannah while Tim held Willow. Cerise sat down on the couch next to her Poppa and cuddled into his side. Did they just watch their bandmate, his husband, and their wife die? Who shot them? Why did they shoot them? What was going to happen if Ama and Adam died? What would he do then?

"Tim? It's ok, man. They're both tough. They'll make it through." Chance exclaimed.

"That's right. They're both fighters, they'll be ok." Austin added in.

"I...I can't live with out them. Either of them." Tim tried to choke back the tears.

The kids didn't need to see him upset and crying. It would just make them upset.

"We know, buddy. You have to stay strong. For the kids. For them." Rob stated, "Why don't you call your mom. Have her come out so she can look after the kids while you deal with this?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea Tim." Chance nodded.

Tim slid his phone out of his pocket and dialed his mother's number.

"Hey sweetie! I wasn't expecting this call." Dena cheerfully stated as she answered the phone.

"Momma...I need you." Tim exclaimed.

Hearing the tone of her son's voice, she knew something was wrong. She just never expected to hear what Tim was going to tell her.

"Baby what's wrong?" Dena inquired.

"Ama and Adam...they've both been shot. I'm on the bus with the kids right now. I don't know what's going on or who shot them." Tim started before he had to stop and calm himself down.

"I'll fly out tonight. Don't worry about a thing, Timothy." Dena told her son.

"Thank you, momma." Tim stated.

"It's what families do, Tim. I'll keep the kids at the house while you go see what's going on with your wife and husband." Dena stated.

"I'll have Luke pick you up from the airport. You can drive her SUV home. I'm sure I'll be needed to make a statement with the police here soon." Tim replied.

"You just get to the hospital as soon as you can. I'll look after the children while you're busy." Dena told her son as she begun throwing a bag together, "I'll stay as long as you need me."

"Thank you, momma." Tim said again before they hung up, "Momma's flying out tonight to take the kids."

"Grandma Dena is coming?" Cerise asked.

"Yes, baby girl, she is. She's going to look after you guys while I go check on momma and daddy." Tim told the kids.

"Is momma and poppa going to be ok?" Noah asked.

"I'm going to head to the hospital to make sure they are. You guys be on your best behavior for Grandma Dena. Don't worry about anything, ok? You're safe." Tim told the children.

Luke boarded the bus and said the pair were rushed to the hospital. The police wanted to talk to everyone. Luke then explained that all the fans that had been there were all being questioned as well so it might be a little bit before they were ready to talk to the band. Tim told him that his mother was flying out that night to look after the kids while he was otherwise busy. Luke promised he'd look after the kids if he wanted to head straight to the hospital after he was done talking to the police. He'd take then to the airport and then to their house to help get the kids inside and to bed.

"Poppa? Why was Uncle Luke covered in blood?" Cerise looked up at Tim.

The bass man swallowed unsure of how to answer. All three of the older children were now looking at him.

"Well, momma and daddy got injured. Uncle Luke and Uncle Abe had to apply some pressure to their wounds." Tim stated.

"What does that mean?" Cerise questioned.

"Well, uh, they placed their hands on the wounds to stop your momma and daddy from bleeding so badly." Tim tried to explain but make it not sound so serious.

"Are they...are they going to die?" Cerise inquired making Noah and Xander cry again.

"I hope not, baby girl. I'm going to the hospital the first chance I get to see how they're doing. I'll let Grandma Dena know and she'll keep you kids updated. Ok?" Tim replied.

"Momma's hurt!" Noah cried into Chance's chest.

"Momma and poppa are at the hospital getting care right now. They're going to be ok." Tim reassured his son.

"Are you sure?" Cerise asked.

"They're getting the best care money can buy right now. When they're feeling a little better you can go see them but it may be a few days." Tim reassured the child.

The police eventually came to the bus to talk to all the band members. Each man was to talk to the police individually. Tim was very anxious. He wanted to head to the hospital to see how his spouses were. He was afraid Ama was going to die. She'd been shot in the chest, after all. How many people survived being shot in the chest? Just thinking about it made tears spring to his eyes. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried to calm himself down. The guys were right. He needed to be strong for the children. He needed to be strong for Ama and Adam. They were all counting on him to lead the family through this crisis.

Once he had spoken to the police and given them all his contact information, he was allowed to head to the hospital. He walked back on the bus to hug and kiss the kids. Before he left, he told them that Uncle Luke was going to look after them until they went to pick up Grandma Dena from the airport. He reminded them to be on their best behavior while he was gone. Chance reassured the bassist they'd be fine and would probably be nodding off soon going by how some of them were already fighting sleep.

Tim hailed a cab to the hospital the cop had told him his wife and husband were both at. He was frantic as they drove along. Any news was better than not knowing anything at all at the moment. All sorts of scenarios were playing in his mind until they pulled up to the hospital. He paid his tab and climbed out before briskly walking inside to the ER. He asked about his wife and husband and was told they were both in surgery at the moment. The nurse at the desk told him what floor they'd be on when they came out of surgery so he headed to the family waiting room on that floor.

Dena couldn't get to Nashville fast enough. Her daughter-in-law and son-in-law had both been shot by some maniac. 'Oh how terrified and traumatized those poor children must be!' she shook her head. The whole plane ride from Beaumont to Nashville she prayed for the healing and well-being of Amarelle and Adam and for the capture of their shooter. The four hour flight could not hurry up and land soon enough for the elder Foust. She wanted to see and comfort her grandchildren. She wanted to know how Ama and Adam were.

When they finally made their descent into Nashville, she sighed with relief. Her bag was just small enough she could classify it as a carry on so when they were able, she stood up and grabbed her bag out of the overhead compartment and stood in line to deboard the plane. As Tim had told her, Luke was waiting outside with Ama's SUV. They hugged in greeting. "All the kids have fallen asleep already. I'm gonna take you to their house so we can get them into bed before I hail a cab and head back to the venue." Luke told her before they climbed into the vehicle.

Dena turned around in her seat and sure enough all the kids had fallen asleep. When they finally made it to the Foust home, it took a little while to get all the sleeping children into the house and upstairs to their rooms. All they did was take the kids shoes off and cover them up. Making sure Dena didn't need anything else, Luke called himself a cab and waited outside for it. She grabbed a blanket and pillow from the upstairs linen closet and got comfortable ono the couch. She hoped by the morning, Tim would have some sort of update for her so that she had something to tell the children.

A/N: Yep, I'm leaving it here :P

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