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I woke up at 8:40 the next morning to the smell of eggs, bacon, and what i couldnt pick between waffles or pancakes. I put on a loose tshirt and kept with my sweatpants i wore to bed and walked out into the hall. I saw Tubbo, George, Niki, and Erets doors open and lights on, assuming that means they are up. Wilburs was shut and Sapnap and Dream sleep downstairs so i wasnt sure about them but given when sapnap tends to stream im guessing him to be asleep. As i walk down the stairs i hear the tv playing and as i get to the bottom i peek around the corner looking to see whos in the kitchen.

"Hi Tommy!" Says Tubbo smiling with a piece of bacon in his hand. His hair was still in a messy bed head type of way. He is sat next to niki and next to niki sat a groggy looking eret. I see George and Dream on the couch, bowls of cereal in hand, watching spongebob.

"Morning Tubbo." I say grabbing a plate and fork. I fix a little eggs, a piece of bacon, and one of the smaller size pancakes so to not waste any food then take a seat next to Tubbo. "Howd the editing end up going? Finish the video?" I asked taking a bite of my eggs.

"Oh yeah it went great. I got it done around 1:30 this morning." He said finishing off the last of his pancake. "You want to get Wil to take us to the store later on? I need shower stuff." Tubbo asked with a mouth full of syrupy pancake. I was finished my bacon and started on the pancake.

"Yeah sure Ill ask when hes up. I need toiletries as well. Maybe a few clothes things too. Me and Wil are supposed to stream Among Us later with Niki, Sapnap, George, Captain, Poki, Corpse and Dream. You can join too." I say after taking a bite of the pancake.

I began to feel guilty after finishing breakfast so i stopped eating a few bites into my pancake. I picked up my plate and gestured to Tubbos empty plate and he nodded handing it to me with a quick thank you then continuing to talk to niki. I put the two plates and forks into the sink. No one was talking and the only people who seemed to be morning people were niki and tubbo. Niki was already ready for the day in terms of hair and clothes. I decided to go see if Wil was up seeing as it was now 9:35 and me and Tubbo wanted to go to a few stores. I walked upstairs and saw Wilburs door was cracked open so he must be up now. I knocked on the door.

"Whatttttt" I heard Wilbur say tiredly. I walked in and sat down in his chair.

"Can you take me and Tubbo to Walmart for bathroom stuff and maybe to get me a few clothes things and room stuff? Like in an hour or two?" I asked spinning the chair around.

"Uh yeah sure. Can Niki join? I think she mentioned needing to grab some things as do i."

"Yeah sure i dont really mind. Just figured we should get it since Tubbo reminded me. That and the fact i didnt get to shower last night is also i reminder." i said with a breathy laugh.

"Alright. I can be ready in an hour so just be ready by then."

"Right. Ill get let Tub know. Thanks" I said getting up and running out the door.

"BIG T WERE GOING GET DRESSED BITCH." I said pointing at Tubbo now sitting on his bed lokking at his laptop. He laughed and i walked off as he got up to shut his door. I walked into my room and grabbed some jeans and my classic red and white tee. I went to my sock drawer to get a pair and saw the two bottles of pills. I thought about taking both them for the day and figured i wouldnt need them because i was feeling overall fine. I grabbed a pair of socks and started getting dress. For shoes i went with my white vans that were now off white from the time me and Tubbo were hanging out and me, not watching where i was going, stepping into a deep puddle of muddy water. I figured since i was already dressed id mess around on reddit to pass the next 45 minutes. I came upon some really cool fanart of me and everyone else in the dream smp and gave it a like and then just generally messed around.

"Hey Tommy. Ready to head out?" Asked Tubbo leaning in my room.

"Yeah im ready." i said standing up from my chair and joining Tubbo in walking out. Niki and Wilbur were already in the car. Me and Tubbo got in the backseat and Wilbur had Hamilton blaring and me and Tubbo started to sing along as we began driving to get our things.

Living in misery. (Tommyinnit)Where stories live. Discover now