Chapter 4

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"I thhibk i pissed my thongs" Gregory says As he grabs quacks arm.

"The more piss the more sex" he replies back they both blush.

"Did you hear on the news there's gonna be a Purdue" milk Amman says

"A purge?" Quack barks back "this will be fun"
Quack brings out all the inflatable dicks and asses to get redy for the fight. He barks and snake sap joins as he gets out of his crate and pisses on gore.

They both laugh as the sirens go off to start the rabid purge.
They hear people killing other people but the strongest person alive wouldhave to be quackity with all his SeGgS toys.

He went outside and started to bark at everyone. They got scared and ran away from eachother making sure he wouldn't kill them.

"Wow ur cool" says George still naked.
"Thank you sexy" he smirks back.

He then sees Dre in the distant making out with the ground.

"We should kill that butch"


It was like love at first sight. Rabid dogs came out and started to eat people. It was scary.

Dream then speed runs through the rabid dogs saving everyone's life.

And two young 5 year olds died from the 8 foot long inflatable shlong. Same with 5 other ones being kept in a basement.

"Mmmmm children feet" someone says in the corner of the area.

Then a dinosaur came .

Sexy QUACKITY x reAdeR 🥵🥵🥵Where stories live. Discover now