9: Tiger Beat Interview

Start from the beginning

"Aww, this is seriously your first time?" Crystal asked me in mild surprise. I nodded my head. "But you've done Q&A's before on your channel."

"That's not the same," I replied. "I was able to pick out the questions asked by my fans, think over my answers, and put a funny twist to them while still being honest. I put in as much effort into those videos like my normal ones..." I let out a small giggle. "I don't have as much time to think my answers through with interviews. I guess I'm just nervous."

"Wha? Naomi, the YouTube Princess, nervous?" Tyler P. scoffed in a joking manner. I gave him a playful shove in response. "You have nothing to worry about! If you want, we can hang out with you."

"Don't you guys have work to do?"

"Well, me and Holland won't have to work until later. The two of us can stick with you!" Crystal piped up with a warm smile. The redhead nodded, agreeing with the plan.

"Thank you a lot. I do appreciate it." I turned towards the boys. "I guess we'll see you all later." My eyes reached Dylan's and I gave him a smile before we all separated.

The girls led me to a separate room to the studios, of what I have guessed is used mostly for meetings. Inside, I see Jeff and a few Teen Wolf executives talking to a two ladies with laptops and cameras. All of their attention turned towards me in an instant. "Ah, Naomi! Right on time," Jeff greeted me with a smile. "These women work for the magazine, Tiger Beat. I'm sure these gals told you already?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

"We're here for support!" Holland chirped in. The two actresses leaned in very close to me, as if to prove that is exactly what they're doing.

"Well, alright. First of all, you're ok with this, Naomi?" Jeff asked me. "I know this is all of a sudden but I think it'd be great if Teen Wolf fans get to know you better."

"If you believe so!" I replied. Him and the other older adults left us girls be to start the interview. We all sat around the table as one of the girls got her camera ready. "Alright, ladies, hit me with your best shot! I never caught your names by the way."

"Oh, I'm Jessica and this is Delilah," the one with the laptop introduced themselves. "Lemme say first that Tiger Beat loves your stuff on YouTube!"

"Aww, thanks. That's so sweet and I couldn't feel any happier by the amount of support I've gotten," I said with an overwhelmingly delighted feeling. It's still such a surprise when people tell me those kind of things...

"Awesome! Well, this interview is going to be short and sweet. Just a little bit about you and sorts, ok?" Jessica informed me with a smile. I nodded my head, gesturing for her to begin to the interview.

She was right. She asked me simple questions that I had no problem with asking, such as what my favorite past time is or where did I come from. She and Delilah even mentioned a little about my YouTube channel and about Camp Taro, which I was more than joyful to talk about. There even has been some times when Crystal and Holland placed their input about my answers, genuinely surprised over some of them. This may be an interview for a tween magazine, it did get us girls to know each other a little bit better than before.

“We’re almost done, Naomi. Just a couple more questions,” Jessica piped up as she typed some things done onto her laptop. “Did you know there has been rumors drifting around the Teen Wolf cast, lately?”

“Well, it’s not much of a shock,” I answered truthfully, thinking back of all the comments I have heard lately about my friends. “Most of which are not true, by the way.”

“Yeah, stick it to the man, Nao,” Holland commented with a laugh.

I shot an amused grin her way and turned my focus back on the interview as Jessica began to bring up something. “Did you know there has also been rumors about you?”

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