Welcome to Perim [Part 3]

Start from the beginning

"I know, right? We got a music training going on for our concert. My Dad wouldn't even care since he's always a.. you know." said Jessica.

"Oh yeah, That!! Well, he sometimes got issues doing for the Danian business rather than spending time with you for years." Lina Moq fells bad for her.

"He sure didn't, Lina. Like, seriously I just hope that he would spend more times with me rather than just focusing some other jobs, you know?" Jessica began to feel down remembering her father haven't spend time with her for years. 

Her father (Odu Bathax) is a commander of the soldier Danians. He works hard to be the boss, and gets more seriously for the time. When he was a young Danian, he used to be one of a happy Danian than he was now. Soon later he met his wife named, "Petrita". They would soon get along and spend more times together. Petrita would always encourage him that "No matter how hard our life gets, always remember this Odu. Love will always lead the way". And that inspires him more. So over the years, after every educations. They soon become married live happily ever after. Afterwards, they began to have a baby Danian girl named, Jessica. Odu-Bathax, having his tears of joy of seeing their first born child. But unfortunately, Petrita died after giving birth to their daughter. He suffered after losing her own love. Many years, she took care of her daughter while becoming a serious if anything tries to take his family from him. Jessica on the other hand was born but to feel happy inside like his father. He know he was supposed to spend more time with his daughter but was very busy becoming a commander. He felt very bad and ashamed thinking the same thing or differently knowing he let his wife down as well for not letting love lead the way. Same thing that he would let his child down too.

Jessica sighs and frowns the remembrance of her pain. "I just don't understand why he would care so much about jobs than me. Maybe he just needs some time and realize the importance of being a father who would spend more times with his only child. And after all, I haven't seen my mom. And it's sad that I never get to see her physically. Wonder if dad's trying to hide it from me." 

But what Jessica and Lina Moq didn't know was that Odu Bathax overheard everything about what she said about him and his past. He couldn't help but felt ashamed of himself for not spending time with her over the years. He wanted to make up with her for all the wrong he has done just like his father who he would not let down.

"What kind of a father am I? Petrita, I know it's not what you want me to be. I should've spend more time with her." said Odu Bathax sighing and frowns.

Then it gave him an idea. 

"Hey narrator!! I need your help just in case. Sorry for breaking the fourth wall I just need your help, please." said Odu Bathax talking to me in the story.

Oh well sure thing, Odu, I'll help you with the story. 

"Aw!! Thank You!!" Odu Bathax turn down relief. 


Next Day in the Morning At Mount Pillar Reservoir

Odu Bathax went to meet his brother who look like his feature named, Makanaz was swimming the pool around the corner. Odu Bathax came along to join him and have a conversation with him. He told him about how he haven't spend time with his daughter and he felt very bad about her. Makanaz understood what he was talking about and he felt bad for him. 

"Well, then why don't you try to hangout with her for once?" asked Makanaz 

"I don't know man, I just have more business to do the job like I try to be a good father but I just don't know what to do. My wife wouldn't want me to act this way towards our children. You know, back then when she and I were younger, she told me that "No matter how hard our life gets, always let love lead the the way." said Odu Bathax frowning.

"Wow, she really said that??" 

"Yeah, she did. Besides, that was a long time ago before we're married. And that word she said really encouraged me so much. But unfortunately, I lost her soon enough after our daughter was hatched."

"I'm so sorry you have to go through that, Odu. Guess it's no wonder why you're so serious and intimidated all the time."  said Makanaz. 

"It's okay, Makanaz. But I know that's still no reason to leave your children alone making them feel hurtful without spending more time with them."

But then, Makanaz has the super idea that'll help Odu make up for his daughter.

"You know, maybe I should help you doing the real job. Your job is to spend more time with her. Plain and Simple." said Makanaz with the ideas.

"Wait!! You're Gonna Help Me Do It?" Odu Bathax eyes widened and turns to him with his jaw opens.

Makanaz nodded and smirks. Then start explains Odu everything on how to be a good father. 

To Be Continued...

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