Who are you?

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Hiro'a POV
"Come back here, boy!" Yama yelled. I just won him at a bot fight and he's now chasing me for his money back. I'm literally nowhere when I find a building that looks old and beat down. I enter it and hide from him just until he leaves once he does, I look around and I just happen to find a mattress with a blanket with a few chicken bones. Who would be living here? Suddenly, a voice interrupts my thoughts. "Stop where you are, turn around and DONT MOVE." I turn around to find a girl with (e/c) eyes looking right at me with 4 ninja stars in hand, ready to release them. "Who are you and why are you here?" "I'm Hiro Hamada. Do you live here?" " Answer my question first. Why are you here?" "Long story short, I was running away from a man I won in a bot fight."

"You bot fight? I asked. "Yup." Suddenly, memories from my past flashed. My parents yelling at me...beating me...and lastly abandoning me. "Are you all right?" He asked me. "I'm fine." "So who are you and why do you live here?" "I feel that's a little personal. Why would you want to know me?" Before he could answer, one of my robots Melvin I called him, came in the room. "Hello (y/n) I am glad you are home safely." Hiro looked at me questioningly. "This is Melvin, a robot I created. He watches over me and makes sure I am in good health and hygiene." "You have no injuries however I do suggest a bath at the nearby lake." I turned to Hiro. "You heard him. I have to leave." "Hold on. You still want to know why you live here. I told you why I'm here. Tell me why your here." I thought about it. Something about him just made me want to tell him and let him know. "Fine. But take a seat. This will take a while." I told him about my horrid parents, how I got here, and how I live.

Hiro's POV
After she finished her life story, I sat there, on what she calls a bed, astonished. There was a dead silence. She was fiddling with one of the ninja stars in her hand and was lost in thought. I was staring at her for a good 3 minutes. She had (e/c) eyes with (h/l) (h/c) hair. She was........pretty. She then got up and faced me. "Well I wasn't expecting visitors today so I guess no bath for me. You should probably go though. It's late." "So, will I see you again?" "That's all on you, but I will tell you one thing. Do anything to cause me trouble, pain, or stress, I will not hesitate to put you in a state of pain." I gulped and she led me out of the building. I made my way home to the Lucky Cat Cafe. Maybe I'll send her something from the cafe. She was thin and it seemed like she hadn't had a real meal in forever. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Hopefully I see her again soon.

He Came Into My Lonely Life (Hiro Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now