Chapter 5

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Kenma didn't respond to Kuroo's sorrow. He just sat there and cried silently, bringing Kuroo into close hug with his small arms. He could feel Kuroo's small shaking between his sobs, but also between his labored breaths.

Kenma was shocked. Dumbfounded. He had nothing to say, he couldn't comprehend the situation. The love of his life, his soulmate, wouldn't stay with him for the rest of his life? This is just too much to handle, especially on the side of the road, on the way too dinner with his boyfriend.

How could I not notice something was wrong? I should have known, it's like I don't even know him anymore, Jesus I really fucked up. What's wrong with me? I didn't even respond to Kuroo, he probably feels even worse, even though he can't control it. I need to say something, god Kenma, think! Don't freeze up just say something comforting, Kuroo would do the same for you.

"Kuroo, it's ok. We will be ok. We can make it through this, don't worry, please baby, everything will be ok, we can always make it through anything, as long as we're together."

Though Kenma didn't entirely believe himself, it seemed to make Kuroo feel just a bit better. The tears from both of them subsided after what seemed like a long time. They separated, and Kenma felt like he had to say something.

"Um, do you want me to drive us home? I can make ramen or something, we could just chill in my dorm for today, I think that would be best, right?"

"Are you sure you can drive? You don't usually drive, I'm really not so bad, I can drive if you want."

"I'm sure Kuroo-san. You should take it easy for a while. I love you so much, let's just relax today, we both need it."

Kuroo agreed, and Kenma switched seats with him. With a quiet ride home, they made it back to Kenma's dorm with just a little bit of assistance for Kuroo on the stairs, the whole confrontation in the car earlier wore him out and his heavy breathing made him weaker, especially during any form of exercise.

For the rest of the night, they ignored the topic of Kuroo's health, maybe not consciously but they were both honestly trying to avoid the topic, as if it would go away if they didn't talk about it. Kenma even went to cuddle Kuroo, which didn't usually happen, especially since Kenma initiated it. This was one of the small things that made Kuroo smile, Kenma's affection.

Once again, Kuroo's smile was infectious. It even made Kenma solemnly smile, temporarily letting the impending issues leave his mind.


The next morning, Kuroo woke up to Kenma staring at him, their noses only inches apart. Kenma seemed completely entranced, so Kuroo pretended like he wasn't awake until he very urgently had to cough. He quickly turned around, sat up and coughed dryly. Kenma realized Kuroo knew he was staring and let out a sleepy but shy

"I'm sorry... are you ok?"

"I'm all good, just a little cough."

As much as Kenma knew that wasn't true, he let it slide for the time being. Kuroo and Kenma both knew that Kuroo would have to further explain his condition, since yesterday they didn't talk about it at all.

Later that day, Kenma knew he had to ask about it, he couldn't wait for Kuroo to bring it up, that isn't his responsibility.

"I know that this isn't a good time, but there is no good time to ask you this. Can you maybe explain some of the details of your- uh- condition?"

"Of course Kenma, I should have told you earlier and I'm sorry for that. The last few times I went to the doctor, they had noticed that my breathing wasn't as steady as normal. They really thought nothing of it until I was there not too long ago, around 3 months ago, when I had a severe coughing attack and almost passed out while practicing volleyball alone. I called Bokuto because he was nearby, and he drove me to the nearest ER to make sure I wouldn't pass out and why I had such an intense attack. While I was there, they thought I was probably just dramatic but they took a blood test anyways. It turns out the oxygen levels in my blood are abnormally low. Apparently I have something called Interstitial pneumonitis, which is basically just a lung disease. That's all I know so far, but I should be going in every week or two. Is that all you need to know?"

"Kuroo, thank you for sharing so much but... there's a cure right? Or you have a long time, if there isn't one, right Kuroo? We still have a life to live together don't we?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Kenma, I'm so sorry."

Kuroo inhaled sharply.

"There's not a cure."

Kenma let out a cry of despair.

"For the time I have left, it's not looking amazing. I can't really know yet, I'm not far enough into my treatment and testing to know but, the average life expectancy is 6 months to 5 years, nobody really knows enough about what I have to know how much time I have left."

Kuroo said all of this in a cold, almost empty tone. One that Kenma had never heard before, it was almost like how Kenma was himself, when he wasn't with Kuroo and was drowning in work.

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