"Agreed" Hermione and I said at the same time. We all walk out and make our way to hogsmeade. Once we get there we went straight to the three broomsticks. We walk in and people immediately swarm us. Ron and Hermione helped to get them away, along with some others. I decided to get a table in the back so hopefully we would be left alone. {honestly these girls are going to kill me one day} I sit down and not even a second later both Ron and Hermione come running over.

"Did you even see who is at the next table" Ron says in a hushed but panicked tone.

"No why?" I go to see who it is but Hermione snaps her fingers in my face so I don't look.

"Oh no one. Just Draco Malfoy" she whispered with a sly smile on her face. I look over and sure enough there he is along with Parkinson, Zabini, Crabbe, and Goyle. I immediately look down blushing.

"Oh my. Are you blushing?" Hermione asks very excited for some reason.

"Oh no you are" Ron said. I stay silent while Hermione pretty much fan girls and Ron has a look of disgust and modification. "Oh wait. Please tell me you don't fancy him now"

"What!? Of course not" I said quickly. They both just continue to stare at me with a 'really' look.

"Harry you might want to look in a mirror before you say that" Hermione said referring to my red face which just makes me blush more.

"Yeah Harry. Your face is as red as a tomato" Ron says pointing at me.

"I don't!!" I say again a little louder this time.

"Harry!!" Hermione says in the same tone I did.

"Fine. Okay. I might think he's a little... cute" I say looking down at my lap.

"Awww" Hermione says while Ron looks like he is going to be sick and makes fake gaging noises. "Oh shut up Ron" Hermione says while I roll my eyes. Then I look over to see Malfoy starring straight at me. He looks...angry? Sad? Maybe a little bit of both. I turn back to my friends only to hear Ron going on one of his tantrums again.

"I mean really Harry of all people why him?" He says indicating to Malfoy with his head.

"Ronald Weasley be quiet. You can't chose who you like" Hermione says defending me.

"I know that and I support Harry no matter who he ends up with wether it be boy or girl" he says rather loud.

"Ron!!" Hermione and I whisper scream and she even hit his arm. Which he completely deserved.

"I'm sorry but I'm mean seriously? Draco Malfoy? After everything he's done?" He says in a quieter tone.

"I swear Ron if you don't shut up" I say threw gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" he says throwing his hands up in defense. Our butter beers come and I start chugging mine down like it's nothing. All of a sudden I see Malfoy out the corner of my eye getting up and leaving like he was three hours late for something. "What was that about?" Asked Ron. Me and Hermione just shrugged. Soon after all his minions leave too. I'm assuming to go after their leader.

We spent the rest of the night drinking, laughing, and having fun. Until we had to go back to our dorms. We had so many butter beers to the point me and Ron got a little tipsy and poor Hermione had to practically carry us back.

When we were walking, me and Ron kept laughing and stumbling around. Then Neville and Luna walked over to us. "Hello Harry, Ron, and Hermione" said Luna in the weird way she always talks.

"It looks like you two drank a little to much" said Neville chuckling a bit.

"Thank Merlin can you two help me?" Hermione pleaded. They both said yes, Luna and Neville took Ron while I leaned on Hermione. We all start walking to the Gryffindor common room when I saw Malfoy staring at me from across the hall. He had a smug grin on his face which isn't that unusual for him but this one was different somehow.

{did he over hear us talking about him earlier? No. Of course not. He would have done something by now} Hermione and I continue walking until my head hits my soft pillow. Ron is currently about to puke his guts out. I'm less drunk then him but I still don't feel so good.

He is going to have the worst day tomorrow. Hermione went to care for him and told me that I should go to sleep. Once she left I got under the covers. I let the darkness consume me as I slowly slipped away. I fell asleep thinking about a certain blonde wizard and what happened between us.

I thought he was going to kiss me today. I wanted him to kiss me.

Oh this isn't good.

Thanks for reading another chapter. Please tell me what you think. XOXO BYEEEE 😘

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