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A girl was babysitting a couple of kids over the night. The parents were going out to a show. "Well the kids are already asleep so you can just hang out. If one of them gets up, just led them back to bed." said the dad. "Okay. Thanks." said the girl. The parents left and the girl went to one of the guest rooms to watch TV. The big clown statute in the room kinda weirded her out, but she ignored it and watched the TV.

She left the room to go get some snacks, she came back and kept watching TV on the couch while eating, trying not to be freaked out by the statue.

But eventually, the statue freaked her out too much, so she called the parents again.

When the Dad picked up the phone, the babysitter asked "Excuse me, sorry to bother you again, but do you mind if I cover up the clown statue in your room with a blanket, or a towel, or something? It's starting to bother me a bit." There was silence on the phone for a second before the father answered. Very quietly, he answered and told her "Grab the children and get out of the house now. We do not have a clown statue."

The parents returned 20 minutes later with the police, but when they investigated the house, they found the babysitter and both children dead. The clown statue has still not been found.

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