My love, My dear, My big sweet rabbit

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Clara's pov:

Michel has been talking with William for awhile hopefully they are doing fine i just hope William isn't thinking he a monster...(sigh) When can he just come to us we can be a perfect family again.

Just then Michel comes in the living room 

Michel: Mom dad wants to talk to you

Clara: He what? 

Michel: He wants to talk with is that ok?

Clara: Ok....OK that is more then Ok of course i will go talk to him why wouldn't I

Michel: Okay mom but be careful with he is still scared

Clara: Okay

I then leave the living room and head to the salvaged rooms and go to William's door. I then open it and see William as the old SpringBonnie suit but all old and broken but i don't care he is still my Willy

Clara: William <:)

ScrapTrap: Clara! You are here h..hello

Clara: William are ok?

ScrapTrap: Well being almost destroyed by a fire is well not ok but it was worth the try of trying to end my life.

Clara: William! >:( Stop thinking your a monster!

ScrapTrap: But i killed children Clara 

Clara: I know you did but everyone forgave you there is nothing to be feeling regret about.

ScrapTrap: I just don't want to hurt anyone.

Clara: And you won't you are the nicest person i ever known please Willy come to us we forgave you and we miss you.

ScrapTrap: Michel said you missed me the most.

Clara: (blushes a bit) Because i love you William and you still know still love you

ScrapTrap: I..I still love you too i just feel dangerous.

I walk over to William and i hug him

Clara: Your not dangerous Willy i still love you and i will never stop loving you. 

William paused for 3 seconds but hugged back and he was crying 

Clara: Shhh there there i am here 

Just then William began to change. He changed back to a human though his skin was all purple same with his hair but his eyes are blank no pupils just blank but he is human. He then broke the hugged and looked at himself.

William: I...I..I am human

Clara: Hehe you sure but now 

I hug his neck and kiss him on the lips and he was surprised but he accepted it then we broke the kiss.

Clara: Did that feel good Willy~

William: Heh yeah it did

He sheds a few tears but i wipe them and hold his hand.

Clara: Come on William lets go see the others and i think you will get a lot of hugs with Chris and Elisabeth. :)

William: ha O..ok <:)


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