The table with four chairs

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I finally go to sleep around 1:00. When I close my eyes I see nothing. It's dark until a light comes on revealing a table with four chairs. One chair on each side of the table. I feel the need to sit down ,so I take a seat willingly. As I sit there I hear something
Behind me. It sounds like someone laughing. Then I see a person with a checkered suit and a checkered mask with a top hat. He sits down in the chair to the left of me. "That was one hell of a joke don't you agree?" He says as he turns to look at me. "Do I know you?" I ask him clearly confused. "You know me better then anyone.", he states. Before i can ask how hear a sob. It came from behind me on my right. "Are you holding up okay?" The person ask placing a hand on my shoulder. I look towards the person. He has a mask over his face too. It has a stream of tears coming out of the place where his eyes are. "We both know the pain is unbearable." He states taking a seat. "Who are you people?" I ask confused. "You will know soon enough" I hear someone state from the darkness in front of me. I see a pair of eyes looking at me. At least that's what i thought until he moved into the light. The person had no eyes. There was just pools of blood where his eyes should have been. He also didn't have a mask on. I retched when I noticed the face. "No it can't be." The person takes a seat in the chair across from me. After he sits down they all look at me. "That is right we are YOU!" They give me a smile to big for their mouths. The corners of their lips touch their ears. "No, I am Me." I state looking them dead in their eyes. "Oh but we are You. Always there just sometimes we stay hidden." The one across from me states. I blink, then their gone. I feel a pain in my head suddenly. Then I hear their voices. "See we are you." I can hear one of them say. My head hurts and i can hear my skull cracking. "Get out of my head you Bastards!" I yell feeling immense pain. "As you wish." They say as i feel the worst pain in my head that I've ever had. Then, i hear a loud crack and things start to go dark. They stand in front of me and look at my body on the ground. "We're always there so watch yourself." I hear the one with the checkered mask say as they begin to laugh. I wake up, instantly sitting up. Another nightmare it seems.

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