alone time

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Im drifting off to sleep. When i close my eyes all i see is where i went to sleep. I check my phone. It says it's morning time. I get up and go to check on my family. I don't find them anywhere. Being curious i message my mom asking where they are, but i continue with my morning routines. I go for a run ,but while im running i notice that im not seeing anyone driving or walking. This confuses me because i live on a busy street. I continue to run. When im finished i stop to get a drink from a gas station. I walk up to it and i try to walk in but it's locked. At this point im thinking something is weird this gas station is usually open at this time. Yet again i notice that i have yet to see a single soul in the past hour and a half. I'm truely worried. I start texting everyone i know asking if they are okay. Im not getting any response. I start to call people. No answer. I go to call 911 when i get a message. "Alone with your thoughts seems to be what you fear most." Is what the message says. I look to see who sent it. It came from an unknown number. I text them to ask them who they are. And what they meant. "The first is a mystery, but the second will become clear. Have fun by yourself." Is what he messages. After that my service cuts out so i can't message him back. I yell out for someone to help me. But no one shows. I run as fast as i can yelling for someone,anyone. No one answers. Im scared. Im all alone. I run to businesses across town thinking it was a prank. There was no one. I  begin to cry. I yell at the top of my lungs for anyone to help me, but i got no answer. I try to think it through but my mind is blank. I sit down, my voice and legs tired, and ruffle my hair. "Am i really alone?" I think. I sit there for a few more minutes then walk home slowly. I try to think while sitting on the couch. My mind comes up blank. I sit there until eventually its dark outside. I hear a noise from outside. I run to the window and look outside and i see a figure standing. When i walk outside i notice that all of the buildings are covered in moss and vines. The figure is standing there shaking violently. "Are you ok? What happened?" I ask walking towards them slowly. I get a little closer to them and reach my hand out. I place my hand on their shoulder. "Are you okay?" I ask turning them around slowly. I freeze and fall back in horror. The person no longer had a face. I could see their skull completely. Their arms were tore up to where i could see their bone. "Are you okay?" I ask the person wondering how they are still standing. I see a rock in their hand. They jump on me lifting the rock over their head and slamming it into my face. I scream in pain. He brings it back up and down again. I feel my skull caving in. I feel my nose and jaw break. I can't scream anymore. I feel my eyes burst in their sockets. It starts to go black. Then before I slip into the darkness a message dings on my phone. "After many years I've finally found you." It came from the random number. Years? Had it really been that long. I dont know. It hurts too much to think. These were my last thoughts as i fell into the darkness. I wake up and check my phone. I see i have messages from some people and release a sigh of relief. I never want to be alone again i think as i answer them back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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